Personality Styles And Gift Giving

English: Gift ideas for men - wrapping paper e...Image via Wikipedia
Christmas is almost upon us and as usual there is a lot of discussion about gifts. A big dilemma for me when my children were little was what to get them and how much to get them. The lists they gave me seemed endless and didn't really help because they changed continually, depending on the current toy being advertised on television. Just when I thought I had a plan, the number one gift suddenly plummeted to number twenty and something new was number one. I was frustrated and concerned. What's a  'C' wired parent to do? 

I suspect that how you shop and plan your Christmas gift giving with your children is reflective of how you are wired.  If you are mostly 'D' wired, then you probably take charge early on, determine what gifts are best for your child, purchase them and and move on to accomplishing other things.  While others are agonizing over what to buy, you're probably wondering, "What's the big deal?"  If you are 'I' wired you probably love the Christmas season with all the festivities and parties and you finally get around to some serious shopping a few days before Christmas or even Christmas eve.  And a list?  Who needs a list?  You just buy what is shiny and appealing at the moment. If you are 'S' wired you really go out of your way to make Christmas special and to find gifts that your child will treasure and remember forever.  Sometimes you  have trouble figuring out just what that will be because you want to please everyone.  Finally, if you are 'C' wired, you have probably gotten a list together months ago so that you could research the best deal and get the best value.  You too have agonized over finding the best presents but you are not only concerned about getting what your children want but also with getting good quality and providing gifts that are educational or meaningful. Oh, and your shopping was done months ago...

I recently read a blog where the writer suggested that parents buy each child three gifts: one gift that the child wants, one that they need and one that is a surprise. I think this suggestion is fabulous and with a little tweaking, it appeals to all the personality types out there.  It seems to cover all the possibilities. It has an element of fun, an element of practicality or educational value and it also gives the child a choice but forces some prioritizing of items. I so wish I had known this years ago. If you try it, I'd love to hear how it works out!  Does your family have a tradition of gift giving?  Is it at least, in part determined by the personality styles of your family?

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