The last week before Christmas

My Birthday Dinner, by Chef Joe

I am sure that many of you, like me, are hustling and bustling about trying to get things in order as Santa's big day approaches.

Joe and I realized yesterday that our already quickly approaching last minute "to-do" list was now "looming over our heads" and about to crash ontop of us.

My grandfather died on Wednesday, Dec. 14, (my birthday, just my luck, I know), and everytime I say this out loud the common reply is; "I'm so sorry to hear that." To which I reply, "he was 100, it happens." He had a long full life and I hope that all of us get to enjoy ten decades of ten calenders. How incredible to live for a century!

So my ever already evaporating time has shrunk to two weeks off and three trips to both families. Not the ideal vazcation for me, but I feel really lucky to have been able to take the time off, and visit them all.

It has however, significantly impacted the blog-life.

So I will close this, with saying, "I'll post one tomorrow," in the hopes that I will truly be able to do this, but knowing full well I am headed to NY tomorrow to see family I haven't seen in many many years.

I leave JVC in the very capable hands of my beloved staff, and to them I say, "I have one car load full of presents. I will leave them in my office tomorrow, because we can't make it to the JVC Christmas party tomorrow night. I hope you guys like your presents. I will see you all next week."

The Christmas disaster area, please note comfortable sleeping beagle on couch.

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