The Power of Pets

Today is the first day of my official December vacation. I always take the two weeks before Christmas off. Well I take myself off of the appointment schedule and I try to catch back up with the other things in my life. I end up doing about 50% JVC work and 50% Christmas prep/housework. I have to admit it is the smartest thing I do all year. Plus, the clinic slows down a little while everyone else tries to get their home and the holiday prep in order too. So when I can take advantage of a slow spot I do.

Right now I am at Barnes & Noble sipping my Starbucks and bloggin' away. I have my newly discovered, can't get enough of it, totally addicted to "Start Something That Matters," book by Blake Mycoskie. I bought it at the airport in Jacksonville, Fla. just a few days ago when we were visiting Joe's family. I had seen an interview he had done on Oprah, and written the title down as a book I wanted to read. I can't put it down, I carry it everywhere with me, and I swear this is the best book ever!

I love this book so much that I am getting a copy to sent to all of my closest friends. I even sent Blake a Tweet this morning, telling him how much I loved his book, and I told him that "I have been looking for this book for years." It really is that good! Read it, I swear it can change your life.

I actually told my husband about a dozen times yesterday that "This book is going to change my life!" He, as you're probably too, is sick of hearing me say it. So, I am done saying it. But I did highlite the heck out of it, and I am carrying it around with me everywhere, and I do check on it multiples a day, in the fear of losing it. It's silly, a little sacrey, and saddly, very true. For those of you addicted to Oprah's "Lifeclass" as much as I am, this book is for me, what "The Color Purple" was, for Oprah.

I also decided today when I got up this morning to proclaim to all if my closest friends via text that "Today is Monday, and I have decided to conquer the world!" So between me, my book, and a big coffee, I am going to sit here in Barnes & Noble until I feel my mission is complete. Of course, one of my friends replied back to me saying, "I hope you do. Let me know how you make out." I could hear the sarcasm in his voice. So I replied, "OK I will, ;-) I like the air of optimism in your voice. It is very encouraging."

I am sitting here beside Eva, a quiet, reserved Yorkie who with her mom is enjoying the holiday Barnes & Noble bustle. Mom is reading her Nook, and Eva is sleeping on her portable plush pillow. She must be a very well traveled pup because she hasn't made a peep and seems perfectly content to sleep amongst the crouching, hunched computer junkies whose tables surround her little table. I have never thought of bringing my dogs here. Even though they come to the clinic everyday with me, there are too many people here to keep them quiet. And the 30 pounds they weigh is a far cry from Eva's 3. She is much more portable and easier to prop on a chair and adhere to the command "Stay!" My pups would look at my lips produce that one syllable, blink, and then and promptly run through the store saying "Hello!" to everyone. Which would reslut undoubtably in all of us being escorted to the front door.

Ah, to dream of taking my dogs everywhere. It's never going to happen.

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