Dog Behavior Problems, TTouch Workshop

At our Humane Societies, more pets are euthanized for behaviour problems than for health issues. Pets are relinquished for barking, tearing up furniture, biting and fighting with other pets. What’s sad is that families visiting the animal shelter don’t want to adopt another family’s problem.

Fortunately, families with pets that misbehave don’t have to give them up. Instead, these families can change their pet’s behaviour by
• changing the diet,
• spraying DAP on bedding,
• feeding supplements such as ProQuiet with L-tryptophan, or
• using anti-psychotic meds, such as Clomicalm.

Another effective approach for pet behaviour problems is Tellington TTouch. TTouch is especially helpful for dogs that misbehave because they’re anxious.

This month, Catherine Stewart is presenting another of her excellent Tellington TTouch workshops. Catherine will focus on body work techniques and exercises developed to help pets relax and focus. Once relaxed and focused, the pet can learn positive, new behaviors.

To register for the TTouch workshop Sunday, Feb 19, contact
Catherine Stewart at
360 945 1447.

We look forward to seeing you at the TTouch Workshop February 19th.
Two spots left.

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