Meet Mr. July!

Orange tabby kitten sleeping
Oliver Simon Trouble-Maker Light
Age: Almost 2
Weight: 12.70 pounds, good body condition
Birthday: July 12, 2010
Gender: Neutered Alpha-Male
Demeanor at the veterinary office: Sweet kitten, but vocal and wiggly!
Feline Friends: Basil and Kitty

How I found my furr-ever home, by Oliver's mom: 
I have had trouble finding and keeping healthy cats my whole life. When I was just a little girl I decided to name my very first cat Princess Sparkle Rainbow Cookie Unicorn Mermaid. As you can imagine this name was difficult to remember and just plain stupid so my parents simply named her Kitty. Kitty-One, as we now call her, was a black and white fluff ball of amazingness and I loved her dearly. My favorite activities included carrying her around and dumping bags of treats on the floor for her to devour. I can imagine she wanted to escape from me - I was too young to know that cats didn’t like to be pulled by their tails and what direction they wanted their fur petted, so she escaped out the front door one day and she never came back.
My parents and I felt the void of a cat-less home and searched for another adorable kitten to replace the one that we had lost when we came across an adorable orange and white kitten with the biggest green eyes I had ever seen and his tiny black calico sister at our local PetSmart. I let my younger sister have the adorable calico whom she named Princess Stormy and I fell in love with my adorable orange cat whom I named, Kitty Happy-Cat Light. These two kittens loved each other, always cuddling and keeping each other safe and comfortable. However it wasn’t meant to last and Kitty’s sister, Stormy, suffered from kidney disease at a young age and had to be put to sleep. 
Some time later, my sister adopted two kittens from Ohio, Batman and Casper, who turned out to have Feline Leukemia. We obviously couldn’t keep them for the risk of Kitty catching this highly contagious disease so we brought them to Leuk’s Landing where they enjoyed the rest of their very short lives.
Although a very, very happy cat, Kitty seemed to feel the loss of his sister and I felt that he needed a feline companion to keep him young and active. I looked for a tiny companion for Kitty every time I went shopping for cat-litter and food until one day I found Oliver Simon Trouble-Maker Light. When he looked up at me with his tiny yellow-green eyes my heart melted and I knew I was going to take him home. You see, I have a weakness for orange cats. I could feel his energy through the little glass enclosure and I knew I had to bring him home. I also picked out a buddy for him to play with, Basil Fat-Fatty Moe Light. Oliver was adopted with his tiny buddy, Basil, from PetSmart on Orchard Lake Road in 2010.
Description of Oliver:
Oliver is the absolute softest cat you will ever feel. His bunny fur is light orange and striped (Our house-keeper calls him the yellow-cat) with an adorable white chin that looks as if he just gulped down a whole bowl of milk. He has replaced Kitty as the Alpha-Male in our household, continuously play-battling Basil for the rights to the throne. He allows Kitty to rule the household, always knowing that he could take command at any moment. Kitty and Oliver seem to have a special bond because they are often spotted having top-secret conversations with each other. 
My friends and I like to think of Oliver as a lion! Oliver’s walk is slow and powerful but he can run at lightening fast speeds. He relaxes in positions of virility and yet is always full of energy, ready to pounce at any moment. Don’t be too intimidated though because Oliver makes the cutest high pitched “prrrr-ow” noise, no fearsome-roar from him! He likes to lay on his back in the center of a room with his hands and feet curled around each other and his big fluffy tail wrapped around his feet. If you don’t pay enough attention to him, even while he is pretending to sleep he will open one eye, “purr-ow” and then close them really quickly so you remember to find out how cute he is being. If you ever can’t find Oliver, it’s because he is sleeping on my bed, which seems to be the communal cat rest-area. On the rare occasion that I allow Oliver to go outside, he mows down the grass in our lawn with his razor sharp teeth and tries to chase butterflies.

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