Meet Mr. June!

Orange cat in wiegelia bush with pink flowers
Age: 16 (ish)
Weight: A gentlecat never tells his weight (okay so maybe mom's nickname for
me "chunky monkey" fits in some way). (Note: Dr. Bailey says Perry looks good for his age!)
Gender: neutered male
Demeanor at the vet's office: Scared, I start shedding like CRAZY.

How I found my furr-ever home: Mom found me at Michigan Animal Rescue
League (MARL) in November 1997. I had been rescued by them when they
received a phone call that a cat had been set on fire. My tail was so badly
damaged they had to amputate - so now I look like an orange tabby Manx!
When mom came in just to "look" at the cats she found me in the first room,
petted me and looked in the other rooms. She came back to me because I was
the only one that wanted attention on that particular day. When she started
scratching my head I was in heaven. She came back about a week later and
took me home! I've been spoiled rotten ever since.

How I got my name: Well, that's what they named me at MARL and mom decided
to keep that name, not realizing the confusion in future years when someone
calls out a name from the other end of the home and she has to ask was that
with an "M" for Mary or a "P" for Perry?

Favorite food: I get both wet (so I can get lots of moisture to help keep
the urinary tract free of blockages) and dry food. But my most favorite
thing in the world to get is freeze dried chicken bits. Mom thinks it's
funny when I start to drool if she takes too long to get me the treat. I
also like to grab her hand and pull it close if she's slow with the treats.

I love to nap, especially since I became a senior kittizen. Laps are good,
beds under blankies are good, boxes too. Just about anywhere really - I've
been known to nap on top of shoes. But I do like to be by a window in case
I wake up and want to watch for birds (or other cats) out in the yard.

Occasionally one of my aunties or my mom will take me outside, but only on
harness and leash. I like to eat grass, roll in the catnip patch, and take
a nap (my calendar photo was when I was caught napping under the Weigela
bush). I don't do much playing now that I'm in my distinguished elder
years, but I'll make the occasional sprint through the house or suddenly
grab a toy I haven't playing with in ages and go to town. There's still a
bit of kitten left in me!

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