Meet Mr. September!

Brown tabby cat snuggling a toy

Rocky Dzierzawski
a/k/a:  Count Rocky from Catsylvania

Adoption Date:  2/25/10

Gender:  Male

Weight:  14.2 pounds - Good body condition

Going to the Vet:  I REALLY don’t like being put in a carrier!   I much prefer to have the harness and leash put on.  Car rides are so fun!  I love to sit on the console between the front seats so I can see everything going on.  I’m ok in the exam room but if I have to go in back or my human friend has to leave me well……. let’s just say….. they call me a “real pistol”. 

BFF (best furry friend):  Fluffy (a/k/a Prince Fluffy VonMeowser) 
I love to snuggle, clean and play with him.  He’s the best furry friend ever!  Sometimes he gets mad when I bite him, apparently he doesn’t like it.  That’s part of how I got the name Count Rocky.

Favorite Toys:  My stuffed puppy and a small red felt mouse.  My favorite thing to chew on is the cardboard rolls of paper on a wire called a Cat Dancer – it’s really fun to chase too.

Favorite Place: Anywhere up high.  I have an awesome kitty condo where I can see everything going on in the house and outside.  The picture was taken of me while I was sleeping with my stuffed dog in the middle floor bedroom of it. 

Age:  The warden said I was about 2 when I was paroled but, at my first checkup, the Vet  thought I was a little older.

My 'Hisstory':
People thought I was a bit of a bad boy in my younger years and I was in kitty jail for a while.  I was moved from one maximum-security facility to another.  They were all the same, cold steel cage, solitary confinement, not a pretty place. 

One sunny, summer day my number finally came up for parole.  I saw many people walking by picking up other parolees.  Finally, late in the day, I saw this couple walking by.  I made eye contact with the guy – I had him at ‘Meow’.

I wasn’t feeling well that day, but was happy to be going home.  The guy thought it was really cute that I was forcing the cardboard carrier open to be petted by him, he didn’t realize how claustrophobic I am.  I was a very sick kitty and became very cranky the next day.  I was coughing and using biting and scratching as a way of conveying how sick I was.  That’s mainly how I got the name Count Rocky.   

Thanks to Exclusively Cats I was able to fully recover from my kennel cough. The doctors there also discovered and removed 3 stones from my bladder (which didn’t help my disposition).  Today I’m happy, healthy and feeling great!

I can be a bit feisty and may occasionally nip but I’ve gotten much friendlier and more affectionate thanks to the loving fur-ever home I now have.

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