The "Lick It List," A Childs Bucket List for his Dying Dog

A story to remind us all how incredibly lucky we are to have our canine companions.

Some of them are truly lifesavers.
Here is one child whose love for his dog reminds us to live every day embracing life, and savoring the little things in life that bring us joy.


Fulfilling a Canine Bucket List
Boy seeks treats for his dying service dog

When eleven-year old Cole Hein found out that his Jack Russell Terrier had only weeks to live, he created the “Lick It List,” a canine bucket list to honor his pup Bingo. For five years, Bingo has been taking care of Cole, who has a medical condition that can stop his breathing. The thirteen-year old dog is trained to alert adults if the boy needs CPR.

In the first six months the two were together, Bingo saved Cole's life three times, leading to her induction into the Purina Animal Hall of Fame in 2010. Now it's Cole's turn to help Bingo make the most of her time left as the pup battles Canine Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome.

Here is Cole and Bingo's Lick It List:
1) Let Bingo "taste" the world by getting him dog treats from around the globe
2) Take Bingo for one last "public" outing to Ruckers (a favorite game-and-pizza place)
3) Walk around the block twice with Bingo
4) Do a photo shoot with just Bingo and Cole (which has already been arranged)

To help Cole achieve Bingo's Lick It List, he's asking people around the world to send treats. No monetary donations will be accepted (Bingo's medical care is taken care of). Any treats that Bingo can't consume will be donated to the local animal shelter. Likewise, if you're not able to send treats, Cole asks that you make a donation to your favorite animal rescue in Bingo's name.

Dog treats can be sent to:
Cole Hein/Bingo Hein
P.O. Box 413
Shilo, MB
R0K 2A0

If my dogs had a bucket list, treats would certainly be number one! What would be on your dog's Lick It List?

I asked my dogs to come up with 3 items that they wanted on their Lick It List. Here are their answers. (As you can see some (1) has a problem with restraint and moderation).

Here is Savannah's Bucket List;

1. "A belly rub until I fall asleep."

2. "A huge can of cat food to devour without being scolded."

3. "A day at home with my mom without the puppies. They are loud, obnoxious, and serve no purpose. I quite frankly don't know what you see in them."

Here is Charleston's List;

1. "Being able to sleep on the human bed all night with my own pillow and mom and dad petting me".

2. "A huge juicy steak purchased, cooked, and delivered to me."

3. "A whole day without Jekyll bothering me to play with him. (He barks at me, jumps at me, and forces me to play with him. He is a pest and he drives me nuts)."

Here is Jekylls list;

1. "To have my mom and dad hide treats for me in the yard like it is Easter. (My nose can find a morsel anywhere and it is just as much fun searching for it as it is finding and eating it)."

2. "To be able to run on the beach and meet everyone there, and to have them love meeting me as much as I love meeting them. (It really hurts my feelings that everyone in the world does not love me as much as I LOVE them)."

3. "I would like a guard dog house installed at the end of our walkway so I can monitor my kindgom from the comfort of a plush heated, air conditioned, and decorated home. (Perferably with a butler to bring me snacks when I becon)."

4. "Get rid of the cats, I don't like them, and I am sick of being nice to them because you tell me to."

"P.S. I know you told me to write 3 things down, but it is my list, I'm cute, and I know you will give me whatever I want anyway."

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