The Bonus I've Been Promising at the Book Launch for Wyatt

In last week's post I hinted at the bonus I've prepared for anyone purchasing a Wyatt the Wonder Dog book on September 30th.  It's a book launch for my newest Wyatt book;  Wyatt the Wonder Dog Goes to Kindergarten.  I've invited a few friends and family to my house for the book launch which is also a benefit for MUST ministries.  I'm really excited about the party and have several special surprises for my guests as well.  I'll include pictures and details in next week's blog.

Since it's a book launch and my birthday (!) I wanted to give everyone a gift who purchases a Wyatt book on September 30th.  I didn't want to announce the gift too soon, just in case it didn't pan out but I spent yesterday with Chris Owensby, choir director at my church and we created an audio recording of each of the Wyatt books which I will include with each book purchased.  This is a great addition to the Wyatt books and now younger children can listen to the story while looking at the book!  Although the books are available online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble as well at these local bookstores, Yawn's Books and More and Acworth Bookstore, the audio recording will ONLY be available when you purchase the book through my website: Wyatt the Wonder Dog.

I hope to see you either at the party or online for this great event!!!!
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