Zylkene, an Anxiety Medication for Dogs & Cats

Do you think your pet is anxious? Is your dog reluctant to jump into the car or does your cat run and hide when company comes? Does your pet cower when there’s thunder & lightning? Does your dog tremble and shake when you load it in the car or your cat cringe when you get the carrier to travel to the vet clinic?

Trembling, shaking, hiding, cowering are all signs of anxiety. So, too, is biting. That’s right, for some dogs and cats, anxiety provokes aggression rather than cowering. These pets often display signs of anxiety & fear before they bite, such as moving backwards, pulling the head closer to the body, or looking away. If we don’t stop whatever is causing anxiety, they lash out.

Zylkene may help. Zylkene is a milk-based tranquilizer that calms pets without causing harm to the liver or kidney. Zylkene is an over-the-counter med, which means you don’t need a prescription to use it.

Zylkene is a capsule that’s easy to open and mix with food or wrap in a treat and give on its own. Zylkene is not likely to interfere with any other meds a pet is taking, but if you’re concerned schedule a visit with your holistic veterinarian to discuss your pet’s using Zylkene.

Zylkene is given once a day. It is best to give it for 2 days prior to anxiety-producing event, then again on the day of the event. By the 3rd day, pets are calmer and less upset by factors that normally trigger alarm bells. When necessary, such as with kennelling, Zylkene can be given daily for an extended period.

Although Zylkene is made from casein in milk, it is lactose free, so not likely to cause problems in lactose-sensitive dogs & cats.

In addition to Zylkene, we encourage pet families to use calming herbs, homeopathy, flower essence, essential oils, pheromones Adaptil and Feliway, body wraps or Tellington TTouch thundershirts, and conventional tranqs, such as Alprazolam, to reduce anxiety.

If your pet has a brain, it’s able to think, and some of its thoughts are going to be anxious thoughts. Anxiety reduces a pet’s quality of their life is, but you can change that. Discuss using Zylkene and all the other techniques we have for bringing peace of mind to the pets we love.

Zylkene is licensed for use in Canada and England, but not in the US, so it is not available through Amazon or US internet pet suppliers.

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