Hurricane Sandy

We had a half day at work today due to the impending severity of Hurricane Sandy.

She is expected to make landfall tonight and all "weather models" predict that she will muster up winds in excess of 70 mph.

Luckily for us most of the leaves are off of the trees, making it less likely that the limbs or tree will come down.

The weathermen have been warning about Sandy for days, allowing us to be well stocked and prepared.

To prepare for the storm at home we did al o the usual stuff; put away the last pieces of summer porch furniture, the last of the potted plants, all of the last traces of the summer of 2012, and in one day went from fall to winter.

Strawberry (our pot-belied pig) had her house winterized. Closed all the windows, put her winter door flap down to keep wind,snow, and rain out, and pilled the house full of hay. She has bails of hay that line all of the walls of her house, and then enough hay to make a burrow in and essentially compost herself through the winter. that house is soo warm I am surprised she doesn't get hot flashes. She is smart enough to never venture outside unless we provide an easy outlet and ample incentive. For my husband that means he has to shovel her walkway and entice her with carbs, preferably chocolate.

Everyone here at our house is snug in their beds, safe from the wind and water outside, purring away or snoring.

Ready for flash floods.
International orange suit, with flashing light, and reflective color.

My biggest challenge has been to try to figure out a way to get the dogs to go outside to go to the bathroom.

We lost power for about an hour. It came back on and we are glued to the weather channel, and old classic movies.

No power to watch t.v. so we are left with board games.
The game 'Smart Ass' was a Christmas gift from Diedra.
Of course I smoked Joe

I know that tomorrow the winds will start to die down, the house will be standing just where it has been for the last 200 years, and the surrounding countryside will be clean, dusted, and ready for the snow to fall, and the holiday season to start.

The view from the observatory. Not much to see in the grey rain.

The limbs came down on the front gate, and the driveway floods.

Happy Halloween everyone.

And from our family to yours we wish you all a safe passage through Sandy.

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