Puppy Socialization Period, Weeks 3-12

We’re discussing puppies and the development of their brains and bodies. Puppies go through periods during which different aspects develop.

1. Neonatal Period
0 days to 10 days
2. Transition Period
11 days to 21 days
3. Socialization Period
3 to 12 (-14) weeks
4. Fear Period
8 to 10 (-12) weeks
5. Juvenile Period
3 to puberty
6. Second Fear Period?
3 weeks between 4 and 11 months?
7. Adolescent Period
Puberty to social maturity

We’ve discussed the Neonatal and Transition Periods, covering the first 3 weeks. Now, time for fun: the socialization period.

Puppy socialization occurs first to the other puppies and the dam (weeks 4-6) then to people (weeks 6-12). During socialization period, dogs learn to be comfortable with other dogs and people. Puppies that aren’t socialized during this crucial period grow up to be fearful.

To promote lifelong comfort with dogs and humans, expose pups to a wide variety of dogs & humans. For example, expose  puppies to friendly dogs with wide chests and big heads. This helps the pups not react fearfully to the bully breeds. Expose the pups to friendly dogs with upright tails; this helps them not react fearfully to Beagles & hounds. Without this type of exposure, pups assume that dogs with big chests, big heads, and erect tails are puffing themselves up prior to attack. Expose puppies to dogs with different ear shapes and different coat colors least they grow up to assume dogs that are different than themselves are from outer space.

Socialization also occurs to other animals, including parrots, pigs & ponies. Herding dogs should be introduced to ducks & sheep; working dogs to cattle & horses. Hunting dogs to quail, ducks, & pheasants. All dogs should meet cats.

During the socialization period, puppies should also meet a wide variety of humans: cane-using grannies & grandpas, wheelchair-bound kids, postal carriers, Santa Clauses, babies & toddlers. When pups don’t have this type of exposure to humans in the first 3 months of life, you’ll be able to tell it. These are the dogs that bark, bite or hide whenever they’re around strangers. These are the dogs you’ll find on PetFinders sporting the decals declaring, No Kids, No Cats.
If you’re raising puppies, you can prevent this; and the world will love you for it.

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