Hip Dysplasia in Golden Retrievers, Early Sterilization Doubles Liklihood of Hip Dysplasia

Early sterilization of male (neutering) Golden Retrievers doubled the likelihood that they would develop hip dysplasia. The results from a UC Davis Vet School study of 759 Golden Retrievers were not dissimilar to results found in studies of other breeds by other researchers.

Not every neutered Golden Retriever will develop hip dysplasia, but this study showed that 5% of intact males will develop hip dysplasia (1 in 20 dogs) and 10% (1 in 10 dogs) of neutered dogs develop hip dysplasia.  
In addition to hip dysplasia, The UC Davis study found  significant increases in other health problems including cancer, after the Golden Retrievers were spayed or neutered. The study was published in the Feb 13, 2013 edition of PLOS ONE, a peer-reviewed scientific journal: Neutering Dogs: Effects on Joint Disorders and Cancers in Golden Retrievers. http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0055937

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