Meet Miss June!


Age: 11 years
Weight: 10.6 pounds. Good body condition, mildly overweight.
Gender: Spayed female
Demeanor at the vet's office: Great cat!
Feline Friends: Alex

My name is Cleo.  I'm an 11 year old sweetheart.  I was found in an asparagus field on a rainy night by my uncle.  I met my Mom when she came for a visit.  She picked me up, cradled me and I instantly knew she was mine.  She took me home where it was just the two of us, but Mom worried about me being by myself a lot so she found me a brother from Michigan Animal Rescue League.  I came home from being spayed at Exclusively cats and I knew something was different.  There was a closed door with a different smell behind it.  Then I heard another cat crying.  I put my nose to the door until Mom couldn't take it anymore.  She opened the door, picked me up and out came Alex.  While still holding me, Mom bent down so I could see him.  We sniffed each other, I batted him in the head and we became best buds.

Dad came along a bit later, but I have him wrapped around my paw.  I wait for him when he gets home late and come to get him when he doesn't come upstairs as quickly as I think he should.

I like attention and am not afraid to drop and roll on my back in front of someone so I can get my belly rubbed.  I love the cat grass Mom buys and I let her know I'm not happy when it runs out.  I let Mom and Dad know by meowing when  I want attention or when I can see the smallest empty spot on the bottom of the food bowl, eve if it is 3am.

One of my favorite toys is the ball with the feathers on it.  Although I sometimes eat the feathers, I love tossing the toy in the air.  I have many favorite sleep spots like the cat tree with several places for me to curl up.  I also like to sleep in the bed after everyone else gets up.  I prefer to be tucked in, so when I let Mom or Dad know I'm ready to go to sleep, they pick me up and put me under the covers.  It took me awhile to teach them that I need a massage if they want me to stay in bed!

I enjoy sitting on the cat tree watching the kids play when the front door is open.  I also like to lay on the bedroom window sill.  It's up so high I can get close to the birds and squirrels.  I sometimes talk to them too.  We also have a turtle I find very interesting.  Mom had to buy a screen so I wouldn't put my paws in the tank.

I have a great life.  I'm a spoiled princess, but I know my Mom and Dad love me.

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