Life Lately 8/26

I try to keep "My Weekend" posts to a minimum here, but this one was pretty cool!


When I was in seventh grade, I met a girl named Carissa and we became fast friends. Together we went to some of our first boy/girl parties, marched in our first parade, got inducted into junior high honor societies, and saw Wayne's World in the theater. I mean, milestone events. Sadly, at the end of the year, she and her family moved away. We exchanged letters and she came back to visit a couple of times, but eventually we lost track of each other. I always wondered what happened to her, so I was thrilled last year when she found me on Facebook! On Friday, she came through Memphis with her three kids en route to her new East Coast home, and we met for dinner at the Rendezvous. We hadn't seen each other in about 20 years. Happy times!

On Saturday I participated in my third Forrest Spence 5K! The Forrest Spence Fund is run by a couple from my church, and you can learn about it here. Although I only did minimal "training" beforehand, in the process I finally discovered my natural pace, so I was optimistic about this 5K. I ran most of the first mile, something I'd never done before, and felt great. But I didn't want to burn out early, so I decided to walk for a little bit. Then the 80% humidity started getting to me, and I never got my mojo back. I was passed by multiple stroller pushers and even a chihuahua (seriously). Even so, my time wasn't my worst ever, so it was fine. The True Blue 5K in November is my favorite race anyway. :)

I saw The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones with my neighbor Elizabeth, my only local friend who also loves the Mortal Instruments and Infernal Devices books. I enjoyed the movie, BUT... I feel like it didn't translate very well. Anyone who hasn't read the books will probably be confused, because a lot of key things are explained sparingly or not at all. The mythology of the books is so much richer (and less cheesy). Elizabeth and I had an extensive comparative discussion afterwards. Other fans, please chime in with your thoughts. I will say that I was very pleased by the casting, other than the morally bankrupt tabloid producer from Mr. Deeds as Hodge (an association that made me totally unable to take him seriously).

How was your weekend?

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