Acupuncture Helps with Paralysis Caused by Astrocytoma Brain Cancer

Research published by Shenzhen Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital in Shenzhen City, Guangdong,China this summer showed the benefit of acupuncture for humans with paralysis (hemiparesis) caused by brain cancer. We can expect acupuncture to provide similar improvement in dogs and cats with paralysis due to brain cancer.

The 58 patients were divided into 3 groups in randomized, observer-blinded clinical trial. Twenty patients received standard rehabilitation, 19 received rehab with standard acupuncture, and 19 received rehab with individualized acupuncture. Patients receiving rehab and individualized acupuncture showed the greatest benefit.

Among the points used were PC 6, SP 6, HT 1, LU 5, BL 40 and ST 36.

To read the full research study, look for Hemiparesis after Operation of Astrocytoma Grade II in Adults: Effects of AP on Sensory-Motor Behavior and Quality of Life. Yu H, Schröder S, Liu Y, Li Z, Yang Y, Chen Y, Huang X. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013.

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