Children's Author Nancy Tillman Shares Unconditional Love

A song from my younger (much younger) years goes like this:

What the world needs now, 
Is love, sweet love.  
No not just for some but for everyone. 

We all come into the world needing to know that we are loved. The beginning of a child's world is their family and it is here that they first learn the security of being loved no matter what.  Each child is different but the need to feel loved and to love in return is universal.  It is a rare adult that couldn't relate some time of their lives when they have felt unloved or at the very least, misunderstood. The consequences of feeling unloved and unworthy as a child can  negatively shape the life of an adult in many ways.

Of course there are many ways to express love to children, through words and actions.  Nancy Tillman, children's author and illustrator is committed to creating books which are really works of art that send this message of unconditional love loud and clear.  In addition to the lyrical, magical verse,  the author uses her love of animals to create a fantasy world of vibrant color and imagination. Her books are celebrations of the wonder and magic of loving relationships.

At a recent author signing at Foxtale Books, Tillman read her latest book, I'd Know You Anywhere, while children sat at her feet enthralled.  She shared stories of how she managed to get a photograph of a giraffe kissing her for the cover, (she had to hold some food in her mouth for it to eat)  and just how wet and slobbery kissing a giraffe can be.  The photo however became the cover image on for her book.  Not only does she have a great love of children, Tillman shared her love of animals as well.  In particular she is fascinated with the animals in Africa and travels there once a year to photograph them.  Many of those scenes become gorgeous illustrations in her books. When asked about future projects, she revealed that she loves animals so much that she believes that there is an animal heaven and her next book will be about that theme.  It certainly gives us all something to look forward to  

Each of Tillman's books elaborates on the theme of sharing with children just how much they are loved.  In her book, On the Night Your Were Born, she writes of how the universe celebrated at the child's birth. This book has got to be the ultimate gift for parents of a newborn.  I imagine a child would never tire of hearing the story of how the world celebrated on the night they were born.  These are great books for parents and counselors alike to communicate a sense of unconditional love.

Wyatt the Wonder Dog's newest book is almost ready for publication!!! Get a sneak preview and download the book by signing up for the insider's group here:

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