Meet Mr. September: A Life Remembered


*Note:  “Vitesse”-means “speed” in French and “Vite” means “quick” or “hurry up”;  I decided on the name because he was so fast when playing with his tinsel toy when I first met him

Age:  14 ½ years
Gender:  Neutered Male
Breed:  Selkirk Rex, Silver Smoke
Vitesse at 6-7 months of age

At the beginning of July, we found out that Vite had cancer.  After a whirlwind 3 weeks, we ended up losing Vite.  So instead of the original bio we had planned to write, we have written this memorial to share a little about the “handsome boy” who so blessed our lives.

When I first met Vite, he was 6 months old.  A friend had decided to take him from the breeder along with an 8-week old kitten that he had gotten but was planning on returning him because he just wasn’t adjusting well to his new home—all he did was hide under the beds.  For some reason, things changed when Vite met me.  (I always say he “picked” me.)  He came out from under the bed, played with the tinsel toy I had and crawled on my lap to be petted and purr as we sat down to watch a movie.  At the end of the evening, my friend let me know that if I didn’t take him home with me, he was going to have to send him back to the breeder where the chances of being adopted would probably be pretty slim.  (Guilt—what a powerful tool!)  Needless to say, I found myself stopping at a pet store to get all the supplies I’d need for the new addition to my family.

Right from the beginning, I knew that Vite was special.  I hadn’t gotten a pet, I had adopted a child and I truly believe that he somehow thought that I was his mother.  From the very first night, I found out my life would be never be the same!  I was a very light sleeper and since Vite liked crawling on me, I tried shutting the door at bedtime.  I quickly found out from the crying outside the bedroom door that wasn’t going to work for him.  He just had to lie on my chest or on the pillow next to me with his paw on my cheek purring as we went to “sleep” at night.  It didn’t take long for me him me to realize that Vite had worked his way into my heart and I would love him and spoil him forever.

We have had several weeks to try to adjust to not having Vite with us, but I still think of him every day and all of the quirky things he did.  He had such a unique personality and never lost his kitten-like playfulness.  I can still see him playing with his toys, going outside and “patrolling the perimeter” of the house (as he truly thought he was a panther), laying spread eagle on the living room floor watching TV with us, sleeping on the couch next to me, chasing his sister, climbing into any open box or bag or just crawling on the table or counters (yes, he was that spoiled!) to sleep or just hang out.  He even used to let me put my head on him and use him as a pillow while we lay on the couch together and would follow me around the house just to be near me.  (My husband always called him a “momma’s boy.”)

It was just the two of us for several years, but Vite finally got the “papa” he always yearned for when my husband came into the picture.  It took a little bit for Vite to warm up to Dave but once he did, it was all over for Dave.  Vite had him wrapped around his paw in no time and Dave came to love him just as much as I did.  They ended up forming their own special bond and routines that didn’t include me.  Every day after work was “guy” time.  Wherever Vite was in the house, he would come running, jump on the table so that he could nudge Dave to be petted, get his crunchy treats and then, if it was nice enough, go outside.  When Dave took off his shoes, we’d find Vite laying on them or next to them with his leg draped over them.  He even got to the point where now and then he would sleep next to him at night and would let Dave flip him upside down and carry him around like rag doll (something that was previously reserved for just me). 

While there are so many things I miss about Vite, I miss our nighttime routine the most.  When it was time to head up to bed, Vite would be hot on my heels heading up the stairs, waiting for me to get settled in bed (sometimes not even waiting).  Once in bed, Vite would purr and knead the crook of my arm while I petted him, then move down between my knees, lay down, purr and settle in so we could read and have “story time” until I went to sleep.  And the next day, we’d wake up to start all over again.

Losing Vite has definitely left a huge hole in our lives and in our hearts.  Although it is a hole that I am sure will never be fully filled, we will never forget all of the joy and love that he brought to our lives.

We would like to express our deep appreciation to the entire staff at Exclusively Cats for the care they gave Vite throughout his life.  Not only for the excellent medical care (especially with his diabetes) but also for the love they showed him whenever we brought him in.  We would also like to thank them for the compassion, support and comfort they have shown us as we have gone through our loss and grief.  Your kind thoughts have helped make an extremely difficult time more bearable.

From Exclusively Cats Staff: Vitesse was a very sweet boy when he came to see us - which was frequently, because he was a diabetic. We will always remember his handsome face, and the dignity with which he allowed us to work with him. He was always affectionate when we saw him, and we could tell there was a certain mischief in him that he reserved for his home life. We will miss him very much, as he was such a presence when he was here.

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