Should You Start a Blog? I'll Show You How!

In just two weeks I'll be attending the Georgia School Counselor Conference in Jekyll Island, Georgia and presenting a session on School Counselor Blogs.  I am excited!  Blogging has become a huge means of connecting between school counselors all over the country.  In a profession that can be lonely and isolated,especially if you are the only counselor in a school, blogging provides a means of support, encouragement and information.

Why Should School Counselors Blog?

 Every school counselor blog is a little different depending on the personality of the blogger.  Some focus on lesson plans and creative ideas. Others focus on technology or useful counseling strategies.  The possibilities are endless.  Why should you blog?  Here are just a few of the reasons that I've come up with:

  • Network with other professionals around the country
  • Share information
    • Sample lessons
    • Books you love
    • Group ideas
    • Bulletin Boards
    • Technology Resources 
  • Teach by researching particular topics and sharing information
  • Share your personal journey
  • Share programs and achievements at your school
  • Encourage and support others
  • Create products to share:  posters, lesson plans, etc.

Lets Get Started!

What are the next steps to starting a blog?  Although the process may seem intimidating, it is really quite easy.  It is first helpful to determine a focus.  Which of the above types of blogs would you like to create? 

Next choose a platform for hosting your blog.  The two most popular are: or  Each has different features and numerous tutorials to assist you along the way.  I have sites using both types. I find blogger to be more user friendly for a blog but if you are establishing a website, then wordpress is really the best option.  It has numerous possibilities with themes and plug-ins.

Be Creative!

Finally, determine the content of your blog.  Will you post weekly?  Monthly?  Whatever your schedule, be consistent.  To build an audience you must provide some content on a regular basis so readers know what to expect.  Be sure to use visuals, photos of your bulletin boards or  a picture of the book you are reviewing.  You can even insert a video from YouTube or a personal video of you demonstrating a lesson.

Building Your Audience

There are lots of ways to let the world know about your blog.  You can post on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and other social media sites.  You can post comments on similar blogs which will direct readers back to your blog.  You can add a link to your signature on your emails and write articles for newsletters or other publications where you can provide a link to your blog. 

Finally, if you've been thinking about starting a blog but haven't gotten around to it yet...Just Do It!!  The rewards are huge and you won't believe the wonderful people you can meet online. 

If you are planning to attend the Georgia School Counselor Conference, please drop by and say hello.  My session is Thursday, November 14th at 3:05.  I'd love to chat!

Want a list of my free Thirteen Technology Tools for school counselors?  Sign up under the technology tab above. 

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