Acupuncture and Alzheimer's Disease, Help for Aging Dogs & Cats

Acupuncture was found to lower or delay brain changes characteristic of Alzheimer’s disease in mice, but we may expect similar improvement in the aging brains of our companion animals.

 Researchers in the Dept of Acupuncture and Moxibustion in the University of Liaocheng Hospital in PRC compared mice receiving a special acupuncture technique once a day for two weeks with control mice. The special technique to improve brain function is called San Jiao or Triple Heater Technique. San Jiao Technique stimulates circulation through the upper, middle and lower body, the three ”jiaos” using:

·          CV 17 to stimulate upper jiao

·          CV 12 to stimulate middle jiao

·          CV 6 to stimulate lower jiao.


In addition, needles were inserted at acupuncture points

·          ST 36 and

·          SP 10

After receiving San Jiao Therapy for two weeks, mice were sacrificed and their brains studied to reveal nerve cell (neuron) density and specific brain proteins. Researchers found significant protein changes in the treated mice brains compared to the control mice, specifically that mice receiving San Jiao Therapy had improved neuron density and slowed brain cell death. These are the changes we want to encourage in aging brains and in humans with Alzheimer’s disease.

 Previous studies have also shown improvement in brain function, including in vascular dementia, using San Jiao Technique. To treat vascular dementia, the following points are used in addition to the San Jiao Technique  points:

·          SJ 5

·          GB 20

·          GB 12

·          BL 10

·          LV 3

·          LI 4

·          GV 23

·          GV 20

·          Sishencong

Why not let your pets benefit from this research by taking them for acupuncture treatment as they age.

To read the Effect of AP intervention on hippocampal neuron loss and astrocytosis in SAMP 8 mice, get out your Chinese dictionary as it is published, like much of the research in acupuncture, in Chinese. Authors are Zhang YF, Yu JC, Zhang XZ, Han JX. Zhen Ci Yan Jiu. 2013 Oct;38(5):358-64.


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