Meet Miss December!


Age: 19 months
Weight: 8.65 pounds.
Gender: Spayed female
Demeanor at the vet's office: Wiggly!

My name is Josie Rose.  I was born on April 25, 2012, on a farm in Woodland, Michigan. So how did I come to live with my Mom and Dad in Clarkston?

My Mom started a new job, Nurse Case Manager, for a company in Hastings, MI. Mom was very sad at the loss of her kitty, Callie, in May.  A co-worker stated she had a Calico named Katie, that just had a litter of 6 and one was a Calico—Yep, that’s me!
I was taken to the hotel that my Mom was staying at.  We bonded instantly. I was still too young to leave my biological Mom so I had to wait another week to go to my new home.

My Mom picked me up at the farm and we both cried all the way to Clarkston. I was given a “bubble bath” upon arrival at my new home and then swaddled in a blanket.
I love playing with my Mom and Dad.  Dad says Mom and I are like the “Pink Panther and Kato”.  I love to jump out at Mom as she is walking by, then she chases me and I hide behind a door. She pretends not to know where I am so I stick my paw out so she will see me.  She laughs at me every time!

I love to sit on Mom’s rocking chair.  It has two cushions that are very comfy.  I also enjoy watching the chipmunks when they come up on the deck. Once I knocked the screen out of the window to get at one—MISSED!!!

I love being with my family but I have to get used to Mom and Dad’s two granddaughters—they frighten me when they scream.

I hope you enjoyed hearing my story!  Thank you for choosing me to be Miss December.  It is Mom’s favorite month.

Josie, all grown up!

What a beautiful girl!

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