By Danielle Jasinski

It’s seems that everyone theses day are on Facebook.; there are over 1.11 billion Facebook users in this world, and to this day it’s still growing. This social media sites is one of the greatest to be invented; you can not only look through other people’s pictures but you are also allowed to communicate with them too. It’s a fast and easy way to catch up with loved ones and friends. Since 2012 there has been a 22% increase of people getting connected with Facebook and not only that but 75% of Facebook users are outside of the United States. Not many people understand the true impact Facebook has made on our economy today, it’s not only a fun site to use but it has also helped out many people get jobs also. With Facebook growing more and more each year job opportunities have opened up in this market. Jessica Miller – Merrell on Huff Post says, “this is a solid strategy for Facebook as there are a number of technology companies and job boards who are 'all in' having established platforms, services, and apps for job seekers, recruiting, and hiring contained within Facebook.” With unemployment rate beginning to rise, Facebook is going to have a huge impact when it comes to giving people jobs. This is the world’s largest social media site and everyone wants in on it.

This chart above shows how greatly Facebook has risen over  the past couple years, and it seems as if it will only keep going up. If Facebook keeps up the popularity that it has right now, unemployment rate could slowly start to decrease. Right now Facebook only has 4,619 but if this social media sensation plays it’s card rights, this business will begin to start growing larger than it already is. 

Even though they’re many other social media sites out there, nothing can quite possibly compare to Facebook and all the progress they have made over the years. The numbers show it and in the chart above you can see that all the other websites don’t even come close to the numbers Facebook have. Although others have begun to try out new sites, everyone eventually ends up on Facebook to find out the latest gossip or post that have been put on there. It’s as if this social media has become an addiction to the world because everyone wants to know what’s going on in others lives at all times.

As said before 75% of Facebook users aren’t in the US so Facebook hasn’t only made a huge impact on the job market in the United States but it also has for other countries too. A country that it has greatly impacted would be Europe. Facebook adds an estimate of a 15.3 billion dollar value to the European economy and also has given over 232,000 thousand jobs across Europe. Not only has it given out so many jobs but it also supports around 29,000 jobs too. Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg said in a statement, "Today's report shows that Facebook is about a lot more than sharing pictures or keeping up with friends; increasingly social media means growth and jobs, as the Deloitte study highlights, social media is proving particularly valuable for small and medium sized businesses, which form the backbone of the European economy. The impact of social media is a bright spot in challenging times, but growth won't happen on its own. We need to make sure that we invest in the right education, training, technology and networks so that social media can continue to drive innovation and economic growth." Sheryl Sandberg states this perfectly, this shouldn’t just deal with Europe but all the other countries involved with Facebook too. Facebook is making a huge impact in a positive way for our economy, it’s just whether we capitalize on the opportunities we are given.

Work Cited
Miller-Merrell, Jessica. "Facebook Jobs Will Positively Impact the U.S. Economy and Job Marketplace." The Huffington Post., 18 July 2012. Web. 17 Mar. 2014.

"Facebook created 232,000 European jobs in 2011 (study)." ZDNet. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Mar. 2014.

"Facebook Statistics." Statistic Brain RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Mar. 2014.

"From Teenage Prodigy to Billionaire Philanthropist: How Mark Zuckerberg Grew up with Facebook." International Business Times RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Mar. 2014.

"10 Useful Social Networking Usage Statistics and Insights for 2014 | Our Social Times - Social Media Agency, Social Media Training." Our Social Times Social Media Agency Social Media Training. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Mar. 2014.

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