Tsh Oxenreider and Living Life Intentionally

In February I attended a book signing for Tsh Oxenreider at Foxtale Book Shoppe.  Tsh (don't worry, I haven't mispelled her name...) is a blogger, author, world traveler, mom and wife.  She writes about her family, travel (her family's passion), and living a simple life.  You can read her blog here:  http://tshoxenreider.com/

Tsh's latest book, Notes from a Blue Bike; The Art of Living Intentionally in a Chaotic World addresses a passion of mine, living life intentionally. Her book chronicles her return to life in the States after living in Turkey for three years with her husband and two children. As you might imagine she and her family experienced quite a bit of culture shock at the frenetic pace of American life. They became determined to merge the best of both worlds by intentionally living a simpler life. They have accomplished this in many ways but in particular they developed a family purpose statement which they wrote to help them focus on the things they all valued.  Here is her family statement:

We will:
put each other first
cultivate deep relationships with one another
extend love to those around us
live simply
be true to how God made us
take care of our health
be good stewards of creation
be lifelong learners

Much like the one word that I wrote about in a previous blog, this statement gives her family a solid foundation  and a north star to guide them. Tsh encourages all families to examine their values and then live life intentionally with the end in mind.

Kids grow up so fast. The world changes even faster. What will your family be like in five years? Ten years? Do you have a vision for your family's future? Do you have an idea of the values and the principles that are your family's foundation?

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