Dunkin' Donuts

Dunkin Donuts
By: Elle Riegert

            Almost every single fast food chain restaurant has expanded their menus to satisfy its customers.  Many companies have taken big risk and gone out of their comfort zone to do so.  Taco Bell is a perfect example of this situation.  Recently Taco Bell has added breakfast to their menu.  For restaurant food chains to survive in today’s economy they must do whatever it takes to satisfy their customers and to compete with other chains.  If that means making big changes to their menus or even rebranding their image to stay relevant they will do so. 
            One such company who has recently had to rebrand themselves to what their customers want is Dunkin Donuts.  Initially they were knows as an inexpensive donut shop but today they are branded as a beverage company.  They are trying to compete with businesses such as Starbucks, Caribou, and even McDonalds.  A recent article on forbes.com states that Dunkin Donuts now calls itself a beverage company or rather “a cheaper, down-home alternative to pricey, hoity-toity Starbucks.”  With the years of success that Starbucks has had with its drinks other companies are trying to compete against them.  They’ve been trying to create the same types of drinks but for cheaper to attract more customers because Starbucks is known to be quit pricy. 
            Just last year Dunkin Donut started rebranding their image by adding coffee and other drink to their menu.  Their new and improved menu includes: hot beverages, iced beverages, frozen beverages, and of course at home brewing.  Another articles states that “with coffee and other drinks accounting for 58% of US franchisee-reported sales in 2012, the outfit’s CFO has admitted that the future is not in Powdered Sugar or Boston Kreme.  Their drinks include: iced coffee, iced latte and my personal favorite their new frozen Arnold Palmer Coolatta.  It seems that Dunkin Donuts has had much success with their new and improved brand.   
            Along with Dunkin Donuts’ new and improved menu to satisfied customers needs they have also been thinking about trying to satisfy their health needs as.  A recent articles states that “the chain seems to be aiming squarely at health-conscious customers…It’ll start selling gluten-free muffins and donuts later this year, becoming the first major fast food outlet to jump on the anti-wheat bandwagon.”  Not only is Dunkin Donuts being smart by adding drink to their menu but it’s also drawing in gluten-free customers that normally wouldn’t come to Dunkin Donuts. 
            In conclusion, it seems that Dunkin Donuts hasn’t really had a hard time drawing in customers again.  Not only are they still having continues success with their famous donuts but they are also making a lot of their money with their new drinks.  It looks like there will be a lot of new completion between Starbucks, McDonalds and Dunkin Donuts.  With Dunkin Donuts and their new Coolatta drink on the menu I’m sure many teens including me will be spending their time waiting in the Dunkin Donuts line rather than the Starbucks line for their summer drinks. 

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