Military Spending Cuts

Mariah Nelson
08 May 2014

Military Spending Cuts

We have recently been talking in class about the Federal Budget which has given me the opportunity to determine as to where budget cuts should and should not be made. The military budget I thoroughly believe should not be cut for several reasons. If we were to drastically cut the military budget even if we are not currently at war it would leave the US at a vulnerable position for future terrorist attack which could eventually lead to yet another war. The US military is down sizing rapidly in 2011 the US Army had some 566,000 soldiers but the Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel wants to decrease that amount to somewhere between 440,000 to 450,000 troops by 2019 these cuts would cause the army to be at its pre World War II size. If this is to happen and another war was to break out the Army would be too small to really fight back. Having such a small Army in a time of turmoil could cause another problem alongside the issue not being able to fight back it could bring the draft back because of the immediate need to increase the size of the Army. According to “Obama’s Historic Defense Cuts Spell Disaster” these budget cuts could lead to increased turmoil in the United States this could quickly lead to a war because of the vulnerable position we would be in with how quickly our Army is downsizing. This article also states, “If the United States had maintained it’s spending under Ronald Reagan, it is possible that the attacks of 9/11...beginning with the World Trade Center in 1993 would have been stopped.” Budget cuts do have consequences and because of them horrible things that could have been prevented ended up happening. Of course there are other factors that lead to 9/11 but our nation's defense was not the best at this point in time airport security was poor and they allowed for too much to get through security. The was also already tension in the middle east which catalyzed the whole event but the fact of the matter is that it could have been prevented and was not and military budget cuts had been made. In conclusion, I do not believe now is the time to be making budget cuts in the military and it is definitely not the time to be downsizing, things in the middle east are still tense and our military needs to be prepared if something happens. With everything that is happening in the Ukraine and with what just happened in Syria now is a time when our military needs to be prepared for anything and everything and believe it or not that costs money. It costs money to train soldiers and train them well.

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