We're Moving!

Remember when I said I had news to share concerning Kenneth (AKA Dr. Brunson) graduating from OSU's College of Veterinary Medicine? The big news is that Kenneth has accepted a position as a veterinarian in Bright, Indiana! We will be moving to the Cincinnati area in a few weeks!

This is bittersweet news for both of us. We're both really excited to be moving forward, and especially for Kenneth to be done with school. We're sad to leave Columbus though, which has been our home for the past four years. We always assumed this would be a temporary home for us since Kenneth wanted to work with large and small animals and the job market for veterinarians is very saturated in Columbus. His career is a better fit for a small town or rural area. 

Olivia wants to know how much longer she has to model Kenneth's new business card...

I started this blog last April expecting us to be moving in a year, hence the name, Cbus52: Columbus in a Year. I really wish I had started the blog when moved here in 2010. Blogging about Columbus has completely changed the way I look at this city, for the better. Full disclosure: I did not want to move to a big city. I'm a small town girl and I didn't think I would like it here. I let that assumption keep me from exploring our new home for nearly three years. It's what I regret most about our first few years here (other than not finding Harvest Pizzeria and Pistacia Vera sooner, of course!). 

Amelia gives the card an approving 'sniff!'

I am determined not to let that happen again! I am really excited to learn more about the Queen City (and I have my amazing sister Brittney and her boyfriend, Cam, to help us!). 

Kenneth and I have a few more weeks in Columbus and we plan to say goodbye slowly! He is completely finished with school and my last day of work was Friday last week. We will be spending our time checking out the last few places in town we haven't made it to, and enjoying some of our favorites. And packing. I hate packing... but the cats are loving all of the boxes! 

Emma looks annoyed, but she's actually very proud of her Dad.

This blog will be ending in a few months, but I will continue writing and most likely, blogging. I will share the web address for my new blog on Cbus52 as soon as it is live! 

Until then, Kenneth and I will enjoy our Columbus favorites again, like coffee and chocolates at Winans, board games at Kingmakers, seeing all of the plein air murals from ColumbusPublicArt2012 in person, shopping at Celebrate Local, hiking at Battelle Darby Creek and some of our other favorite Columbus Metro Parks and gluten-free lemon bars from Cherbourg

I will add all of our new adventures, like checking out Heart of Africa at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, trying car2go, and visiting new restaurants and shops around town. We will miss Columbus, but we're also excited for new adventures!

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