The Price List 2015 Jarrettsville Vet Edition

Exams & Professional Services
Physical exam 30 minutes  $50
Comprehensive or extended exam  45 minutes $63 
Annual or Senior Exam 30 minutes $45
Sunday walk-in examination $60
Consultation exam, 2nd opinion  45 minutes  $65
Consultation exam, behavior  60 minutes $100
Re-check exam  $30
Hospitalized patient exam    $30
In patient care    $40
Health certificate (includes certificate fee)     $45
Urgent care (emergency fee during regular hrs, including exam)    $75
Telephone consult - regular client     $30
Consultation w Specialist (doctor time)    $40

Average Costs for the Most Common Emergency Surgeries 

Blocked Cat $1000-1200 (Price can vary based on hospitalization stay).
Pyometra Cat $400-600 (Severity of illness at presentation can influence cost).
Exploratory Surgery $1000-1200 (Price can vary based on severity of underlying disease).
GDV (bloat) $1000-1500 (Price can vary on other organ involvement).
Pyometra Canine $800-1200 (Price can vary based on severity of associated illness).
Splenectomy $1000-1200 (May require additional care at emergency facility post-operatively).
Kaitlyn waits for her work day to end.

Integrative Therapy
Acupuncture, initial consult $95
Acupuncture treatment $75
Laser therapy (single dose <2 areas) $40
Other Services 
Anal gland expression (w/technician) $20
Anal gland expression (w/doctor)   $25
Microchip $10
Nail trim (canine/feline)  $15
Ear flushing/cleaning $25
IV catheter placement $40
Intravenous fluids, first bag $40, $20 each additional bag
Diagnostic Services  
Blood pressure evaluation  $25
Corneal flourescein stain  $25
Ear swab & stain  $25
Schirmer tear test  $30 
Tonometry  $40  
Bubbles blows a kiss.
She is a little sleepy after her spay.

Periodontal scaling;
Grade 1  $75
Grade 2 $95
Grade 3  $115
Grade 4  $150 
Dentistry: Surgery
Surgical extraction, minor (surgeon's time)  $25
Surgical extraction, major $100
Average cat dental $250-$350
Average dog dental $350-$450
Diagnostic Imaging  
Radiograph, digital (1 view)  $100
Radiograph, digital, additional (2- 3 views)  $150
Radiograph, digital, additional (4 plus views) $200
Dental radiograph, digital (1 view)   $40
Dental radiograph, digital (2-4 view)  $60
Dental radiograph, digital (4 plus views)  $80
Abdominal $200
Lab Fees (includes collection, lab fee, & interpretation) 
ACTH  $260
Bacterial culture & sensitivity  $140
Biopsy $200
Bladder stone analysis  $215
Blood glucose (single)   $20
Blood glucose curve  $100   
Complete blood count  $55
CBC w/chemistry panel  $140
Cytology (fine needle aspirate)   $50
Low dose dexamethasone supression (LDDT)  $150  
Fecal flotation in-house $40
Fecal Giardia ELISA  $40
Feline antigen heartworm test  $45 
Feline leukemia, FIV, test  $45
Fructosamine   $85
Fungal culture  $50
CBC, chem panel w/electrolytes & T4 (health check)  $145
Canine heartworm antigen test  $40
Canine heartworm 3DX test (Heartworm, Lyme, Ehrlichia Canis)   $50
Canine heartworm 4DX test (Heartworm, Lyme, Ehrlichia Canis, Anaplasmosis)  $50
Histopathology (single specimen)  $180
Lyme test in house $25
Lyme titer $120
Immunity titer test (DA2PPV)  $110
Pancreatic evaluation (TLI, PLI, cobalamine, & folate levels)  $200 
Parvovirus rapid test in-house  $50
Phenobarbital level $100
Potassium Bromide level $155
Serum bile acid test (pre and post)  $120
T4  $60
T4, T3, TSH levels  $150
Thyroid panel (T4, T3, Free T4, T4 Autoantibody,T3 Autoantibody, CTSH, Thyroglobulin Autoantibody)  $175
Urinalysis  in-house $50
Urine culture & sensitivity with mean inhibitory concentration  $150  
Urine cortisol to creatinine ration  $100 
Urine protein quantitation  $75 
My cat Wren reminds me that the best part of everyday is a snuggle.
(This does not include pre-op examination, diagnostics, hospitalization care, or 
Mass removal small $200-$400
Mass removal large $400-$600
Anterior cruciate repair, ACL, lateral fabella suture technique $400
Aural hematoma repair  $100
Amputation, feline, $500
Amputation, canine, $800
Amputation, toe, $350
Amputation, tail, $350
C-section canine  $400
Cherry eye, $250
Cystotomy  $300 
Enucleation,   $300
Entropion, $250
Exploratory surgery  $600 -$800 
Femoral head removal  $500 -$900
Gastrotomy  $300 - $600 
GDV, Bloat, $700
Intestinal resection/anastomosis   $300 - $700 
Lateral ear resection,    $300 
Mastectomy, unilateral   $200 - $450
Splenectomy   $500 - $1000
Laser, additional fee  $100-$200
Surgical pack  $35
Surgical supplies/disposables  $20 
ECG monitoring (during surgery)  $25
Blood pressure monitoring (during surgery)  $25  
Perineal Urethrostomy (PU) $300-$450
Preanesthetic exam fee  $30 
Preanesthetic sedation  $30 
Local dental nerve block  $25
Wound repairs range from $50-$200

Feline Neuter $60
Feline Spay $100

Canine Neuter $175
Canine Spay less than 50 pounds $225
Canine Spay 51-100 pounds  $250
Canine Spay 101 pounds or greater,  $300
Canine Spay overweight or pregnant $400
(There is a $50 additional charge for pets over 12 months old, and a 60 day grace period for newly adopted pets from a rescue or shelter).

Distemper Combo 3 yr $30
Feline Leukemia $25
FVRCP + Leukemia $30
Kennel Cough $20
Lyme $30
Leptospirosis $20
Rabies $16

What sets us at Jarrettsville Vet apart?
  • We have the best doctors and staff! 
  • We all share a deep commitment to providing a kind, compassionate, hospital centered around caring for pets.  
  • We provide excellent internal medicine, surgery, dentistry, ultrasound, orthopedics, behavior consultations, acupuncture, and even Reiki.
  • We are open 7 days a week, until 8 pm on Monday through Thursday.
  • We never deny care to a pet in need.
  • We have been a part of our community for over 70 years.

If you have a pet you would like to visit with us you can find out all about us on our Jarrettsville Vet Facebook page. You can also find me on Twitter @FreePetAdvice, or you can ask, or answer a pet question at Pawbly is a free online pet community dedicated to helping pets and their people who love them.

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