More Feral Cats! and April Wallpaper

Even more feral cats! Well, not really... it's mostly the same bunch from the previous post, just a different day. And this time, they are all (mostly) watching me, or at are at least alert. And I thought they were cute so I decided to post them even though we just visited with them last week. Oh well....

Somehow, some of them look almost noble in this picture, like they were posing. I don't really think that was the case but you never know what their little minds are thinking.  And these guys are just a few of many cats here at the project. They're getting this notice because of the way they stick together. There are other cats who run and hide if you pull out a camera. They're like mysterious, reclusive celebrities whereas these guys are more like the Kardashians. :)

April Desktop Wallpaper!
Since these guys are kind of cute, I used a second picture I took of them for the April 2015 Wallpaper. So these kitties, collectively, are the Cats of the Month for April. :) I didn't do smartphone/iPad wallpaper this month, because they won't fit. But if you need it, let me know..

Wide/HD 16:9Wide 16:10Older 4:3


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