Alan Dershowitz: I Will Now Confront My Lying Sex Accuser in Court!

By Bill Hoffmann
April 7, 2015

Famed legal scholar and author Alan Dershowitz tells Newsmax TV he's going after the woman who accused him of sexual misconduct — after a federal judge on Tuesday ordered her allegations to be removed from an ongoing lawsuit against convicted billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.

The lawsuit, filed in 2008, sought to undo an agreement between federal prosecutors and Epstein, who the woman said arranged the sex with Dershowitz and Britain’s Prince Andrew.

"We've been legally vindicated but my reputation has still been, unfortunately, tarnished in the minds of at least some people by a woman who just lied and made up a story out of whole cloth," Dershowitz said on "The Steve Malzberg Show."

"I don't know this woman, I never met her, and she made these false accusations, and there are some people who still believe it.

"The judge's decision will go a long way toward erasing that … but it's like unringing a bell — or as lawyers say, when you throw the skunk out of the jury box, the smell still remains. So there'll still be a smell and I have to go after her and I'm going after her."

Judge Kenneth Marra granted Dershowitz’s request in U.S. District Court in West Palm Beach, Fla. to strike allegations from a lawsuit against Epstein, who in 2008 pleaded guilty to procuring an underage girl for prostitution and served a year behind bars.

That suit seeks to quash a nonprosecution agreement between federal prosecutors and Epstein, who the woman said arranged sex romps with Dershowitz and Queen Elizabeth’s youngest son. Both men vehemently denied the claims.

Dershowitz, a Harvard law professor emeritus and Newsmax contributor, who represented Epstein in his plea deal, said his team will now depose the woman, known as "Jane Doe 3."

"We will persuade the world that she made up the whole story out of whole cloth," he told Malzberg.

In addition, Dershowitz said he is suing his accuser's lawyers for defamation.

"And we're considering suing her for defamation as well, but right now she was trying to hide in Colorado and avoid service, but we found her and we served her and now she'll be subjected to a deposition," he said.

"And if she repeats what she said previously under oath, she will go to jail because what she said is a complete, total, made-up lie. Not only about me but about many other people."

Dershowitz said Marra's ruling makes it clear that it was "absolutely improper" for the woman's lawyers to have made the allegations against him with "no evidentiary basis and without any relevance to the case."

"It was like a drive-by shooting or like somebody scribbling graffiti on a bathroom door," Dershowitz said.

"[If she repeats her claims in court] she'll have committed perjury and she'll be prosecuted for perjury. You can't commit perjury and victimize somebody. It's not only against the law, it's against the Ten Commandments, bearing false witness.

"There has to be consequences and there has to be consequences for lawyers who allow their clients to defame other people using the law as a shield against the defamation. Now that shield has been removed by the judge striking these salacious and false allegations."

Dershowitz said those who suffer the most from such false claims are "real rape victims."

"Women like this who make these false charges really hurt other women who are victims of rape, and that's why it's so important that there be consequences."

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