The Truth Behind the Castro/Obama Agreement

The Truth Behind the Supposed "Breakthrough in Relations" Between Cuba and the White House

"Caracas gives Cuba more than $10 billion a year, or between one-fifth and one-sixth of Cuba’s gross domestic product."

By Alex Freeman
December 17, 2014 (Updated April 13, 2015)
The Unobserved News

The debate over restoring Diplomatic Relations with Cuba has always been rooted within a mutual distrust, political ideology, and the CIA's failure to kill Fidel Castro.

The newswires are (red) hot this morning with the Obama Administration's naivety of having FINALLY 'parted the seas' (or the Gulf of Mexico in this context) six years into his Presidency.

Who in their right mind would believe Havana and Washington "Will open talks with Cuba aimed at restoring full diplomatic relations and opening an embassy in Havana for the first time in more than a half century after the release of an American contractor held in prison for five years?"

For one, this 'source' is a Grey Lady who would use liberal guilt and racist overtones to justify any criticism of the President -- even if he was the self-proclaimed Anti-Christ.

 It will be promoted in the Goebbels-esque style of Propaganda by the White House and Media as it usually is: Obama's greatness, and somehow the failure of the GOP Congress over the past two years to extend an open invitation of dialogue with a despot and tyrannical regime which has FINALLY SEEN THE LIGHT!!

As you can imagine, I am merely injecting the unlimited amount of irony and hypocrisy that has been invited with this nonsense.

The Castro Brothers are, well, who they are -- and they would never (publicly) admit that after 50 years, the ideology that encompasses Communism has failed in Cuba.

The Socialist, Communist, etc. country has been on the verge of collapsing after the fall of the Soviet Union 25 years ago. Once the money stopped flowing from Moscow to support a failed experiment, the country was forced to look elsewhere for a new source of revenue AND ally that fit the lies of the Castro Brothers stewardship and their warped notions of the Lenin Utopia.

Such delusional behavior does not exist in the minds of the Castro Brothers.  If it does, then the CIA must have found a way to permanently spike the country's water supply in the 1960's.

BUT, leave it to the retired numnuts Senator from Connecticut named Chris Dodd to come to their rescue.

The premise and connection with the former numnuts and Castro is due to the Senator advocating a neo-Simon Bolivar leader in Venezuela by the name of Hugo Chavez.

As Chavez has recently passed on, so has Venezuela -- one of the greater producers of OIL and owner of Citgo (who would think that?)

For all of Hugo Chavez's anti-US rhetoric and supposed Revolution, he died in office as a failure. And now Venezuela is on the brink of being a failed state itself!  Pure anarchy.

However, during the period of time between the fall of the Soviet Union and Hugo Chavez taking over as President of Venezuela, the Castro regime barely held power -- due in large part to the economic restraints imposed for 5 decades by the United States.  I cannot even begin to imagine how the Cuban Regime survived in the 1990's, but a shameless self-promoter and President of Venezuela made sure that it did for well over a decade and up until his recent death.

Chavez admired the romantic narrative we have all seen played out through a terrorist named Che Guevara, the modern day Saint of any revolutionary movement.

What the majority of these self appointed leaders and admirers of Che do not know is that during the Cuban Missile Crisis, he called both Fidel and Soviet Leader Nikita Khrushchev cowards, whores, weak, sell-outs, etc.  for NOT creating a Nuclear Winter in the Western Hemisphere by agreeing to terms of peace after those Thirteen Days.

Che was forced to leave Cuba -- by Fidel himself -- because of his Apocalyptic ideology.

Fidel, nonetheless, continued to thrive by the Soviets paying an inflated price for Cuban goods such as Sugar Cane to have an ally 70 miles off the Coast of Florida.

Senator Dodd even PUT this great South American Reformist named Hugo Chavez BACK into power after a coup.

Chavez then decided to become the Untouchable and Revolutionary Leader --  like Simon Bolivar, who led a true uprising and struggle against the Spanish and Portuguese to liberate South America of the 'Occupiers' who enslaved a Continent.

The trouble was that he had nobody to fight except a Windmill.

Chavez looked toward a mentor and anti-American leader in that of Fidel to mold and build the poor and weary masses of Venezuela  into his own coalition of power -- the 99%, so to speak.  He built a welfare state based on oil revenue, which among 99% of the downtrodden population made him a King.

Out of his admiration for the Castro Brothers and in the name of his self-proclaimed Bolivar Revolution, the two parties (countries) established a partnership based on their own self-interests that ensured their power: free oil, and street credit.

Castro sent his finest Doctors and Advisers to Venezuela to make sure the alliance succeeded -- mainly because Fidel thought of him as a joke.  A joke he exploited.

Keith Johnson of Foreign Policy clearly explains the relationship:

"So we arrive to current days, where Raul now runs Cuba and Chavez is dead.  Some estimates of the scale of Venezuelan support for Cuba, including more than 130,000 barrels a day of oil but also salaries for thousands of Cuban officials working in the country, suggest Caracas gives Cuba more than $10 billion a year, or between one-fifth and one-sixth of Cuba’s gross domestic product."

Now that Cuba is without an ally to literally depend on for the subsidies provided by the Soviets and Venezuela, the Obama Administration is hijacking a simple economic truth and fact which Cuba now faces: the Revolution and 50 years of blood and treasure are GOING to be lost during their lifetime.

Reality has finally hit, and the facade of Cuba as a successful Country based on the principles of Marx and Lenin (ha) can once and for all be proven a failure.

So, who would the Castro Brothers and Cuba look to for a new economic ally? A weak and sympathetic American President who will claim in his memoirs that his greatest foreign policy achievement was restoring diplomacy and trade between us and Cuba.

Cuba is on the brink of rolling back the entire Castro Revolution of Five Decades and Socialist Principles in all forms: Government, Economic, Military, Media, etc.

 The poor and starving masses that put Fidel into power are now ready to replace him with Democracy and Freedom -- and likely a Mob-friendly President such as Batista who will restore the needs of the Cuban people.

So ignore the false platitudes that will soon come from the White House and Leftist pundits.  The death of Hugo Chavez and the near state of anarchy existing in Venezuela have finally brought the Cubans to their knees and willingness to negotiate.

But what about those Gitmo Rent Checks we send each month for roughly $4,000 that Castro has never once cashed in 50 years?

Fidel and Raul would rather die.

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