Meet Mr. May: Sarge


 Age: 12 years
Weight: 11.05 pounds - good body condition
Demeanor at the vet: Nice cat!

On 3/25/05 we got a call from Oakland County Animal Control. They thought they had a cat with Cerebellar Hypoplasia, and adult, possibly 1-2 years old.   I went to see him.  What a sweetheart.  Though he walked strangely (walked on the hocks of his rear feet, and crossed his front legs when he sat upright), I didn't think he had CH, but certainly, the rescue would take him in.   We named him Sarge because he walked flatfooted and sat at attention. 

Sarge sits at attention
He was a part of Elizabeth Lake Animal Rescue for the next year and a half, joining my father and I up at his cabin for company.   October of 2006, he officially became a Stephenson.
His condition worsened very slowly, to now where he won't walk unless it is carpeted or a rug put down. So he spends his day watching the world go by, and napping, on the couch. He comes down by use of a small carpeted staircase, to his cage with his litter pan and waterproof mattress covers.  Occasionally he is joined by one of his furry siblings for a nap.   He talks to us all the time and comes to lean against you if you sit on "his" couch.  He will chat with you for 15 or 20 minutes, responding to each statement or question you make to him.  He doesn't have a normal cat life, but he is very content in the life he has.  We enjoy his company and his furry grandmother makes it a point of visiting with him when she comes over. 

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