My Top Ten Tips on how to convince your vet to help you even if your wallet is empty.

This is Finley, about the cutest kitten in the world.
When he broke his arm we fixed it for free.
We can afford to because we have generous vets and clients who help us so we can help others.
Accidents and illnesses happen. It is inescapable if you choose to care for other living beings. For all of us who entered the veterinary profession so that we could help animals the burden of being asked for help from those who cannot afford to pay for our services is nothing short of heart breaking. It is also omnipresent. We all realize that not having the funds to pay doesn't change the need, it only compounds the despair between those who want to care and feel helpless in doing so, and those of us who can help but feel entitled to be compensated. This leaves only bitterness on both sides left to resolve this divide.

If you are a vet you either turn a blind eye to the voice that is your conscious and you learn to accept being hardened by this reality. Or, you begin to find a way to help those in need at the expense of your debt burden.

If you are a caring person trying to help an animal in need, you too soon realize that it can be bank-breaking to continue, or even begin to try care. Or, you  find a rescue, shelter, non-profit who bridges the gap between traditional veterinary care and your growing fiscally driven indifference.

We get many questions on Pawbly from people who plea for help stating that they "can't go to the vet because they can't afford to go." I try to convince them that I am not truly trying to direct them to professional help as some sort of kick back scheme, but rather, I am trying to convince them to go because their pets life depends on it.

Some of us are students of our parents heeded warnings and have saved emergency funds for those inevitable 'rainy days'. The rest of us live by narrow margins without any wiggle room for the inevitable bumps  in life's road. Without going into a long winded commination about poor personal choices, I have to instead try to remind people that pets are living beings with complicated diseases and often involved etiologies. In almost all cases whatever is the presenting complaint is merely a tiny clue in the large pile of abnormalities that will help to unravel the mystery of the yet untitled illness. Vomiting, diarrhea, coughing, panting, lethargy, etc., are not things that reveal a disease, they are the prologue to the chapters of a diseases description that we must decipher before the last chapters of a treatment option can be read.

Is there a way to get help from the veterinarian for FREE? Much to people's disbelief I would say, "Yes!"

I am a big believer of being prepared for disaster and dark days. Much like having an emergency savings account. 'Tis much easier to ask for help when your vet knows you and believes in you. Start here. If you love your pets show your vet a little love. Those clouds loom on the other side of the horizon, have a favor lying in wait in your back pocket.

Here are some ideas on how to help you become the most valuable client to your vet and possibly convince your vet that they can't live without you even more than you can't live without them.

How can your talents might help your vet? 

1. Do you scrap book?
What about visiting the clinic every so often to take a few photos of the staffs pets? Or the special clinic pets, or even a few candid clients pets? Ask  your vet who some of their most memorable patients are and inquire to those clients if they could supply you with their favorite pet photos. Then make a photo album for waiting clients to peruse in the lobby.

A super creative client makes these cards for me to give out to staff and clients on
birthdays, special occasions, and just to say "Thanks."

2. Do you love to garden?
Maybe the flower boxes at the clinic need a little spiff up? Maybe you could volunteer to take over grounds keeping duties? I know one clinic whose local Master gardener sponsors the clinic and in return they get the best bragging rights in town.

3. Newsletter help. Love to write? 
Maybe  you could help provide content, interview a staff member, share a patient story, or help the clinic advertise their services? I would LOVE to have someone help me keep this monthly task up. I seem to always be trying to find time at the deadline to create the content for our Newsletter/blog.

4. Help spread the word on social media.
Keeping up with the daily social media Twitter and Facebook posts is sometimes impossible. Maybe you could help with posting a few happy pet videos a week? Even a

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