Uniting Pet Care Globally.. Why I love Pawbly.com
There are a few characteristics in ones life that you realize perhaps are not the best suited for "winning friends and influencing people." Truly, I am deficient in almost all of Dale Carnegie's long list of needed skills.
Often, while dealing with difficult clients, I hear the little devil on my right shoulder squealing in my ear to remind them that, "If I liked people I would have gone into human medicine," or, "Dude you're just the chaffeaur attached to the other end of the only thing I really care about."
And so it has become...
I'm going to share some of the discussions that have filled my long nights of work, and my empty self-funded pockets with purpose.
Question from
Alan Rowlette in Indonesia..
I took two sparrow that were from a fallen bird nest, i saw four birds but only two alive, i put them in a box put some dry leaves and gave them some sugar water, they are sleeping i guess because they closed their eyes. What to do next?
Krista Magnifico, DVM, Founder of Pawbly answered ...
Put them back in the nest. Mom is looking for them. If you think that the mom is not with them, or isn't able to care for them, see if there is a wildlife rehabilitator in your area? If you can't find anyone you can feed moistened cat food on a toothpick. They should be fed about every 3-4 hours until they are full. I don't know the age or size so it's hard to provide more instruction than that.
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