Free Boarding To Any Pet In Need

Little Miss Pink
Seems I get stuck in the worst of the season every single year. In Spring, (which just so happens to be my favorite season), as the flowers start to speckle the stark world with color exalted by the choir of peepers singing their ballads rejoicing in their arrival, I get mournful of the impending litters of unwanted kittens flurrying upon the clinic. Springtime brings a phone ringing incessantly requesting we take yet another litter without any mention of spaying/neutering the parents so that perhaps someday we might solve this problem. It is the dichotomy of worrying about those less fortunate and the meekness of biology pitted against the forces of nature.

In Winter I don't just deck the halls and spread Joy to the World, I worry and harp monotonously about the pets being left outside as the thermometer plummets to below freezing. I pass by homes who have dogs chained outside next to some shabby excuse for a shelter 24/7 and curse quietly at the heartless humans inside all warm and toasty. I do, I get incensed. I call Animal Control, I knock on doors, I act a fool. What other option do I have?

Turns out there are options. I haven't yet figured out how to convince people to see the light and become compassionate, or even lawful (yes, there are laws about adequate housing for pets), BUT, I can provide options. I have a boarding kennel that sits largely empty for January and February. Why not offer free boarding to those who need it? We also host TNR's and provide pro bono spays and neuters. Every little bit helps every other little life. It's nice to have options, and it might just save my hypertension and animosity to some of mankind.

So that's what I did. A little bit of Facebook marketing and for Winter Storm Jonas we had four people take us up on our offer.

Jonas.. or at least the name we have given so far..
Little Miss Pink came to us via a phone call from a woman who was living in her car. She was homeless and parking at a 24 hour gas station to use their bathroom as a cleaning area and warming station at night. She couldn't go to a shelter because she couldn't take her dog. Now I don't dare to reduce this to a simple answer to a complicated issue, but, freezing to death in a car while 2 feet of snow is falling is unacceptable. After 3 phone calls we found her a shelter and a short and long term boarding plan for companion Miss Pink. It takes a leap of faith and a little effort. Little Miss Pink has been examined, vaccinated and turns out is about the sweetest girl you could ever hope to meet.

Jonas the neutered, cat who is not microchipped has been hanging around a clients home for weeks. He was brought to us for his county mandated week long quarantine after being reported as "found" to the local animal shelter. The family who brought him to us wants to adopt him after his "holding period" is up. As luck to faith would have it Jonas is an affable gentle boy who loves the busy bustle of the clinic. He too has been vaccinated and will be microchipped. He will have a home to call his forever. Until then, the hotel Jarrettsville Vet halfway house is warm, cozy and I hope an example of what a community can do in times of need.

Jinx. A TNR kitty who lives primarily outside.
Her caretaker was worried the storm would be too much so she stayed inside with us.

Maybe its time to change my pessimistic outlook? Maybe the seasons are a changing for the better?

Coal, an outdoor cat who stays on a clients porch for shelter.
JVC provided a better spot for the exceptionally treacherous weather. 

Coal and Jinx are lucky to have loving caretakers to watch over them. We are happy to help our clients who extend their love to those pets in our community who need a little more assistance to get through the tough days of the year.

There are numerous people who help JVC in our efforts to help others. With the incredibly generous support of the clients, friends, and staff of JVC the Good Samaritan Fund makes the lives of pets in need better. The donations are used for goods only (the staff volunteers their time and talents). It is a collaboration of many to save the lives of those who need it most.. I am grateful beyond words for the love and support we receive every single day.

Related blogs;
Freezing Pets and a Vacancy. Providing warm beds to those who need them.

Frozen Fury. The plight of outdoor pets in severe weather.

Chained Dogs

Levi's Luck

If you would like to make a difference in a pets life please join the small army of volunteers who help people with pets in need. We are A free Q & A site dedicated to empowering people so they can take better care of their pets. We educate, inspire and assist pet lovers all around the world. Best of all we are free to use!

If you have a pet in need and you are in the Northern Baltimore area please come visit me and the wonderful staff at Jarrettsville Vet in Harford County, Maryland.

The beagle has lost his fascination with the cold stuff.

Winter Storm Jonas starts to settle in.. My pup Jekyll sticks close to dad.

Our pups wait for the snow to stop.

I am also on Twitter @FreePetAdvice.

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