Singer Vehicle Design L.A. Area Book Signing
For those that have ever wondered exactly what goes on ‘behind the scenes’ at Singer Vehicle Design -- the little restoration shop in Southern California that’s provided a re-birth of sorts to old and tired Porsche 964s -- there’s a perfect opportunity to see for yourself and keep the secret on your coffee table. Rob Dickinson, founder and creator of Singer Vehicle Design and co-author and journalist Michael Harley, will be signing copies of their book “One More Than 10: Singer and the Porsche 911” on Saturday, January 23rd, at Autobooks-Aerobooks, (2900 W Magnolia Blvd, Burbank, CA), from 10am – 2pm, providing the background story of the impeccable craftsmanship within Dickinson’s “re”imagination of Porsche 911s. (SVD 'One More than 10' book excerpt) The event will also host two restored Porsche 911s, including Dickinson’s original 1969 ‘Brown Bomber,’ regarded as the initial inspiration for what later became Singer Vehicle Design.
“We have been humbled by the outpouring of global enthusiasm we’ve received for the work we do,” said Rob Dickinson, creator and founder of Singer Vehicle Design. “Because our work is extremely limited, we thought a book would allow us to share our celebration of Porsche and the 911 with a broader audience that together shares in our passion.”
The global recognition for California-based Singer Vehicle Design (SVD) and Singer’s exquisite ability to ‘blend tradition with modernity’ has opened the door for a new breed of Porsche fanatics that not only understand Dickinson’s thirst for demonstrating what has become regarded as the best of the best – but also seek the craftsmanship and creativity that showcases unique customization opportunities that selects the best elements, if one could only have just one vehicle to drive.
For Dickinson, it’s a story that really began for him as a young child riding in the back seat of one air-cooled icon, the VW Beetle – the first time he saw the car that would be the standard-bearer for air-cooled performance, the Porsche 911. “This book has the spirit of Singer Vehicle Design tailored into its words, images and feel. It’s us, in print and I’m incredibly excited to share this latest project, shaped by our mantra ‘Everything is Important’”.
According to Dickinson, the company’s heritage is based on utilizing the ultimate in automotive design, engineering and industry standards to meet and exceed the vision of its fine clientele. Dickinson noted that the company has been fortunate enough to develop a reputation that Singer stands for something very special, and “One More than 10: Singer and the Porsche 911” brings the reader as close to these beautiful machines as one can get, with the exception of the lucky few owning one.
2900 W. Magnolia Blvd.
Burbank, CA 91106
(818) 845-0707
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