Coloring Books for Adults?

Coloring Books for Adults?

Yes, it's true...grownups are going crazy for coloring. Recently, as many as half of the top ten best-sellers on Amazon were adult coloring books. There have even been reports of a global pencil shortage!

Coloring books for adults have been around for about the past 50 years. But social media sites are a far more efficient way of sharing our creations than the old refrigerator-mounted masterpieces we created as children. Experts point to this as the driving force behind the current coloring craze.

Far from being confined to social media, however, coloring has spawned many real-life social gatherings. There are coloring clubs and even coloring parties being held in bars. Even fine artists are releasing coloring books. In addition to generating some extra cash, they offer a way for artists to collaborate with complete strangers and give their work new life.

And what better subject for a colorist's pencils (or crayons) than the feline?

Why Color?

Many who have taken to coloring as adults cite its ability to reduce stress. By loosing one's inner child, the cares of the adult world seem to melt away. Gone are the surly teenagers, aging parents, unpaid bills, spat with our significant other, boss yelling at us, or bumper-to-bumper traffic on the commute home.

Coloring takes us back to the simpler time of our childhood. Its rhythmic, repetitive motions within a structured environment help to calm our frazzled minds and allow us to develop better focus. For parents, it even gives them an activity they can enjoy sharing with their children.

What's more, using a coloring book with pre-printed images removes any pressure to have any actual drawing skills. We can still exercise our creativity in the colors we choose, but without having to spring for any expensive art lessons!

Older adults who participate in creative activities have been shown to improve their overall health and quality of life. But why wait? We can start those healthy activities earlier in life!

Let's not forget about that stress-reducing aspect, either. Some coloring books targeting adults come complete with meditations, Bible quotes, or other inspiring phrases. Far from being a passing fad, coloring seems to have staying power.

Enter cats!

We all know the stress-reducing ability of our feline companions. Stroking a cat's silky coat can help lower blood pressure. And a cat's purr actually has healing powers. Surely some of that carries over into coloring pictures of cats, right?

One of the best-selling cat coloring book titles over the past year is Creative Cats with artwork by Marjorie Sarnat. It features over 30 intricate designs of cats in fancy backgrounds that could take you plenty of time to color. Newer titles on the market include A Million Cats by Lulu Mayo and Cats and Kittens for Comfort and Creativity by Flora Chang. These and many more are currently available on Old Maid Cat Lady.

If you also love to travel, you might try Cats in Paris by Won-Sun Jang, or raid your child's toy box for Cat and Dog See the World by Adrienne Trafford. Yes...there are still coloring books for children...and some feature cats!

As the coloring craze perseveres and our feline overlords continue to dominate the internet, we'll be adding new kitty coloring book titles to Old Maid Cat Lady. You'll find the adult versions in our Craft & Hobby Books section, and the children's versions in the Toys, Electronics & Sporting Goods area, as well as in the Children's Books sections for the ages they target.

Happy (cat) coloring!

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