How to Care for Indoor Cats - Providing For Your Cat's Basic Needs

1. Provide a litter box for your cat, which you should clean daily. Cats like privacy when on the toilet. Place the tray in a quiet area where the cat won't be disturbed or frightened by a sudden noise (such as a washing machine in a laundry room). If you have several cats, be aware that you need one tray for each cat. Its even a good idea to have a spare. Thus if you have five cats you should have six trays.
- Keep the trays clean so they are pleasant places for your kitty to visit. This means daily pooper scooping and spot cleaning, and a weekly complete clean of the trays.[2]

2. Give food and water. Be aware that indoor cats are prone to weight gain. To prevent this, measure out the food and give the amount recommended on the package. If your cat is putting weight on (its ribs get more difficult to find), then reduce its daily allowance.
- Keep fresh water on hand at ALL TIMES! This is very important.
- Consider feeding foods made for "indoor" or "sterilized" cats, since these are slightly reduced in calories to take account of the cat's lifestyle.
- It is a good idea to give the cat an outlet for hunting behavior by using puzzle feeders so kitty works for its supper. These are available online and through most pet stores.

3. Give your cat its own special place to get some alone time. It's important that the cat has a little space of its own, even if it actually sleeps with you at night. This little space could be a cat bed or a cat tree that the cat can curl up inside of.[3]

4. Provide a scratching post for your cat. Scratching is part of normal cat behavior. When is scratches the cat deposits tiny amounts of scent, which lets other cats know it has claimed the territory. If you don't provide a scratching post then the cat will find its own and it could well be your best sofa.[4]
- Watch your cat to see if it scratches horizontally (along the carpet) or vertically (up the sofa). Provide your cat with a scratch post that is either flat (horizontal) or vertical to match its natural scratching preference.
- Make sure the post is taller than the cat is and anchor it firmly, so it doesn't move when the cat scratches. Place the post near an entrance or exit, since this is where cats like to deposit their scent.
- Also put a post near the cat's bed, since cats like to scratch when they get up after sleeping.

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