How to Make Your Cat Happy - Exploring The Outdoor
1. Organise your garden. You will need to think about a few things before letting your cat out. You should provide a place to sleep outside. Cats love to take a nap in the garden. Find a place in the shade and protected from the rain. Equip your backdoor with a cat door so your animal can come and go. Place a bit of food in a protected area.
- Bring your cat for a check-up before letting it outside. Talk with the veterinarian about the dangers and the things to look for.
2. Allow your cat to get out. There are many debates as whether a cat can be truly happy kept inside. If you have green space around the house, consider letting it out. Your cat is a predator and will enjoy the outside. It’s a great way to keep your feline fit.
- Be careful if you live next to a busy road. Cats don’t react so well around cars.[7]
- Look for other cats. They might consider your garden as their territory and will look at your cat as a threat.
- Don’t have too much faith in your fences to keep the cat inside the garden. They will inevitably find a way to escape.
- It can be a good idea to keep a collar on your cat, but some cats may become snagged on fences by their collar, which may result in suffocation. A microchip is a much safer option, and all rescuers and veterinarians now scan for them before they proceed with handling the animal.
3. Let your cat hunt. Don’t try to detract your cat from hunting birds and mice. Your feline, just like its cousin the lion, is a predator and is wired to kill small animals. Don’t forget to make sure that there is no dangerous animal outside. You don’t want your cat to become the prey!
- Your cat will prefer hunting mice and birds. You can also see it chasing flies and other insects.
- Never punish your cat if it hunted and killed another animal. The cat will not understand why it’s being punished!
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