Racing Faster and Better With Titanium
When it comes to the racing industry, titanium has long been used to complement the lightweight, durable design that auto racing vehicles need. With uses in racing, aerospace and even in medicine, titanium is used in just about every industry out there because of its versatility and its other material properties.
Its main use in the racing industry is to make extremely durable parts that can easily resist corrosion from exposure to the elements. It is a strong metal, with a titanium bar being able to resist a lot more pressure and heavy loads than most other metals while retaining lightness. This makes it very useful in the roll cages of stock cars as well.
The reason that the metal is so in demand for the auto racing industry is because it is extremely strong. It maintains a high strength:weight ratio. In fact, a rod that is made from steel needs to be twice as heavy as a similar rod made of titanium to have the same strength.
A titanium wire is incredibly strong when compared to an aluminum wire. Sure, the latter is used far more commonly in the racing industry because of its low weight and high strength. When compared to titanium however, it isn’t nearly as effective. Of course, it isn’t almost as bad as steel when used in racing machines, but it still has a lower strength to weight ratio than titanium does.
In the sport of racing, every little detail counts. If the weight of a vehicle can be reduced even by a few hundred grams, the opportunity is seized upon. The lighter the vehicle is, the faster it zips down the circuit, track or road.
Connecting rods that are made of titanium can be used in an engine to reduce the amount of time it takes to get to maximum RPM. This reduces the time taken for gear changes, thereby increasing the rate at which the vehicle accelerates by a large amount.
Protection for Drivers On The Go
The properties that make titanium great for rods also makes it one of the best to use in flame-proofing a car and driver. Panels and walls made out of the lightweight metal allow for a barrier to be created between the radiators, oil and fuel lines, and the driver. This reduces the incidence of fatalities and serious injuries in the event of a crash.
Some manufacturers even use titanium in the manufacture of clutch bell housings and covers for valves that can explode and cause harm to bystanders and drivers.
Overall, titanium is one of those metals with which one simply can’t go wrong. In the world of racing, there really isn’t much room afforded to mistakes being made. A small slip in the design of a vehicle can lead to a catastrophe on the track. Titanium, by reason of its material properties including strength and rust-resistance, can be a design choice that will save more lives and win more races than any other material has before.
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