Major Sports Leagues Should Have Advertisements on Jerseys

Major Sports Leagues Should Have Advertisements on Jerseys
By:Matt Magennis
Advertisements on soccer jerseys have been used for many years now, and soccer teams around the globe have made a fortune from them. Recently, the WNBA added corporate sponsorships to their courts and jerseys. Many people debate on whether or not this trend of corporate sponsorships should carry into the major US sports leagues, but I think jersey advertisements will bring economical profit to the teams, which in result will enhance the experience for the fans.

For awhile now, the NHL and the NBA have discussed the idea of allowing corporate sponsorships on jerseys, and recently the NBA decided that in the 2017-2018 season they are going to allow for a 2.5 inch by 2.5 inch patch by the shoulder of the jersey (ESPN). However this is not where the big money is going to be made. One of Europe's top soccer clubs Manchester United made a multiyear deal with Chevrolet for $80 million (Forbes), just to feature its name across main part of their jersey. With deals like that in England, it is crazy to think about how much money could be made in sponsorship deals here in the USA. Allowing for this increase in revenue for teams, results in more money for the owners to spend on stadiums, players salaries, and the overall fan experience at games. This also would result in ticket prices decreasing, because owners are making more money with sponsorships than with ticket sales. The demand of basketball events and attending games would rise for customers because of the lowered price of tickets, and the stadiums being reconstructed and renovated. Another benefit to this situation is there is a less chance of lockouts, with players being unhappy. The NBA already has agreed to give the players 50% of the money being made of jersey advertisements, which makes the players happier and significantly lowers the chance of a lockout.

Economically speaking it would be smart for all the major sports leagues to allow jersey sponsorships, with no size restrictions. The only disadvantage to having jersey sponsorship is the look it gives off, however personally I love the look of European soccer jerseys with their corporate sponsorships on them. In the biggest sports market in the world it is time to take a step forward and allow corporate sponsorships on jerseys, because it benefits everyone.

Works Cited
Badenhausen, Kurt. Forbes. Forbes Magazine, n.d. Web. 06 Dec. 2016.
Oliver, Pete. "Ashley Young Sends out a Man United Title Warning to City, Arsenal, Liverpool and Chelsea." N.p., 09 Sept. 2014. Web. 06 Dec. 2016.

Rovell, Darren. "NBA Jerseys to Carry Ads Starting in 2017-18." N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Dec. 2016.

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