Meet our Holiday Kitties: Snickers and Skittles!


Snickers (orange and white)-age 16.5, 10lbs &
Skittles (white)- age 14.5, 13 lbs.
Skittles has one green and one blue eye.
Both are Russian Siberians
They have been patients with Exclusively Cats since they were kittens.

 Mommy adopted me (Snickers) first from a breeder and then I told her I was lonely so she got Skittles from a different breeder. She got us from a breeder because at the time the person she was living with was allergic, and we are considered hypo-allergenic because we have very low levels of the dander protein that many are allergic to, called FeL d 1.

We love to go outside in our tent and are good buddies. We like to play fight and even though I am smaller, I still beat up Skittles and mom has to break up our fights.

Me in my window
I'm the life of the party!
Hi! I am mommy’s little person.  I sleep on her head every night   We have a great bond as I have been with her for a long time.  She says I am emotionally in tune with her and people: if someone is sick, I take care of them and I always know when mommy needs cheering up.    I even greet everyone as they come in.  As you can see I really love the Christmas tree.  When the tree isn’t up I like to lounge in the window and get my sun on or sleep on the top of my cat post.  When I occasionally feel like playing, I love the little mice that shake and the laser beam.  I am a very social cat so I am always at the dinner table…usually I sit on the floor and hope food comes my way, but when one of the seats is open...I take it!  I also like to drink my water out of a Dixie cup on the bathroom sink. It is always filled up as I am being monitored for kidney disease.  I love to eat, and wet food is my favorite.  I also am always looking for cat treats but Cool Whip and turkey are my favorites!    The team at Exclusively Cats is great but I turn into a very bad boy at the vet.  I think I have scratched everyone there. :(  Mommy feels bad about it and now I have to be put under sedation for some procedures.
and always have to be in on the action.
I love the holidays!



My little brother (see what I did there? He is small in the photo!)
showing off his three legs

Skittles' beautiful eyes
This is Skittles, he is my little brother.  We are very different as he is always the nonsocial one and runs and hides when people come to visit.  However, that mellow attitude makes him a good boy at the vet, unlike me.  He loves the dry food more than wet which I think is crazy.  He also loves the occasional small piece of cheesy puffs but doesn’t beg so that means more food for me!  Skittles is on special dry food because about 10 years ago he got a urinary blockage but we caught it in time and now he is good.  While I like to snuggle, he loves to be roughed up.  It is not unusual for him to yell and run around the house for no reason. He also likes the laser and our new cat dancer toy.

In May of 2015 mom noticed a very small lump on his back leg. After visiting Dr. Bailey for a check-up, we found out the lump was a fibrosarcoma that maybe he got from being vaccinatedMommy decided to have surgery performed, since amputation was the best option to try to rid him of the cancer.  It’s almost 2 years and he is still cancer free.   It’s funny but his personality has really changed since the surgery.  We call him “thumper” because you can always here him coming. :) He is so much more outgoing and is out and around all the time now.  He has a stool to help him get on the big bed that is one of his favorite places.  He is also demanding and yells at mom and dad when he wants them to sit on the couch so he can come up and lay on them on the blanket.  He has even become a snuggler in bed. I think he has become daddy’s boy.  He isn’t any different to any of us as a tripod. No one wants to hear the word cancer, but if it is an option to amputate do it. Cats are so resilient and we couldn’t imagine not having these moments with him! 
Skittles the snuggler

Happy Holidays from S&S!!!!
#SSselfie  XD

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