Increasing Ticket Prices

Increasing Ticket Prices
Jess Fonte
As time has progressed, ticket prices for professional sporting events have continued to increase year after year. However, I believe it’s important that people still decide to attend these events because if they don’t, total revenue for the teams will decrease, therefore causing a lower supply of tickets that will make it even harder to get a ticket. There is a very logical reason for these increases in ticket prices, specifically for the NFL during this time of year.
During playoffs, ticket prices rise even more due to the fact that more people want to attend these games. This causes the demand to increase, therefore causing the price that the consumers will need to pay in order to purchase these tickets to increase as well. Although this causes the cost to be higher, many people believe that attending a playoff game for a higher price ticket is completely worth the opportunity cost that they are paying. Yes the game could be viewed on TV at home, but the consumer does not receive as many benefits as they do when they physically attend the game.
Below is a graph that shows the rising ticket prices in the NFL from 2006 to 2016. The prices are continuing to rise after every year which means that the demand for these tickets are continuing to increase. It is beneficial that this continues to happen because if people stop attending the games, football as we know it will not be the same- and no one wants that. Therefore, this makes the cost of attending these expensive football games completely worth it.
Works Cited
"Average NFL ticket price 2006-2016 | Statistic." Statista. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Jan. 2017.
Parker, Tim. "Why The Prices Of Sports Tickets Vary So Much." Investopedia. N.p., 04 Oct. 2012. Web. 09 Jan. 2017.

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