Rising College Costs

Carl Renz
Senior year of high school can be a very fun time, but can also bring a great deal of stress.  It is crucial for high school graduates entering college to pick the right field to go into especially with college costs being so high.  The average student loan debt for a class of 2016 graduate was $37,172. With these steep prices it is very important to find a field of study that will be worth your time and money.  A good way of finding a promising career is to look at the demand for those workers and the amount of people already in the field.  This can be done by simply googling the most in-demand careers on the job market.  An example of an in-demand career is software engineering which is expected to grow 18.1% by 2025.  With such a demand for a certain career and a low supply of people willing to go into it leads to a great marginal benefit.  With a good career choice the opportunity cost of college is worth the opportunity benefit you could earn in salary and job benefits.  However, many people are learning the hard way that a job with a lot of supply (people entering that field) and low demand (people needed in the field) will not be worth the cost of college.  Image result for benefits vs cost for college
With a college degree being needed more and more each year colleges are able to charge more due to the demand for a degree.  According to ProCon, “A college graduate with a bachelor’s degree earns $30,000 more per year than a high school graduate, or about $500,000 more over a lifetime.” Colleges know that post high school schooling is needed more and the pressure for people to attend is growing so they are able to rise the cost.  With colleges holding the leverage for pricing it just goes to show how important it is for people to pick a field in high demand.  In the words of the esteemed poet Robert Frost, “Take the road less traveled by, and that will make all the difference.”

Works Cited
"College Education - ProCon.org." ProConorg Headlines. Mar. 2017. http://college-education.procon.org/
Frost, Robert. "The Road Not Taken." Poetry Foundation. Poetry Foundation. Mar. 2017. https://www.poetryfoundation.org/resources/learning/core-poems/detail/44272
Team, IPFW Admissions. "The 5 Most In-Demand Majors for 2017." Advice from Admissions.  Mar. 2017. http://info.ipfw.edu/blog/the-5-most-in-demand-majors-for-2017
"U.S. Student Loan Debt Statistics for 2017." Student Loan Hero. Mar. 2017. https://studentloanhero.com/student-loan-debt-statistics/

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