Baseball Tickets Now or Later

Antonio Gonzales
Mr. Reuter

Baseball Tickets Now or Later?

As spring rolls around fans all around the country are getting ready for the baseball season by buying their favorite players shirts, their favorite teams hats, and food for their cook outs causing fans to look at opportunity costs of choosing their team for the year and most importantly, game tickets. Nothing is better than opening day for stores all around the world. As the demand basebal goods increases the prices begin to rise as the quantity supplied also decreases. Many of these suppliers are places like, Wal-mart, sporting good stores, grocery stores, and many other clothing stores.
The revenue that the baseball stadiums and organizations bring in increases due to an increase in price for season tickets, and game tickets. According to, CBNC, tickets on secondary sites are 144% pricier than regular tickets that are bought closer to the actual game itself. But with the worry of not getting premium seats or seats at all, fans are still willing to pay whatever the price to get their spot in the games. This all leads to higher profits for the producers. There is plenty of price control in this market with limited seats in each stadium which is a big advantage and the producers side. The key is to get the consumers to buy sooner than later.
The key is also to meet the consumer's requests as well. This can be done by meeting price equilibrium. This is done by having the amount of tickets not too many, but not too little, and the price not being too much, but also not too little. This usually happens as game day nears and instead of the prices rising, the prices will go lower because a lot of times and team will have a surplus of tickets and they need to get rid of them to bring in more revenue. Now the real question for the consumers is whether you should buy your tickets now or later.
Many will do it before hand debating whether it is worth it or not. Yet there are a lot of factors that come into play as well such as, weather, seats, and most importantly, prices. Prices vary depending on when you buy the tickets and where the seat is located. According to, Quartz, they state that it is better the buy the tickets closer to game day versus buying them 30 days before hand. They also say that opening games in the beginning of the season are also a lot more pricey than tickets later in the season. This is where people have to look at the opportunity cost. Whether to see the opening games and spend more money, or to wait and save money to see other games. What seems to be the most logical choice is to spend less money to see more game because the consumers will have more money to spend when they do go see a cheaper game. Allowing them to buy food, beverages, and souvenirs. But that is a matter of opinion.

Works Cited
Cameron, Dave, Tz Said..., Marc Said..., JD Said..., Eric R. Said..., Maqman Said..., Pft Said..., Bookbook Said..., Mr Punch Said..., Stephen Zielinski Said..., and Marc Schneider Said... "10 Lessons I Learned About the Baseball Economy." The Hardball Times. N.p., 02 May 2014. Web. 04 Apr. 2017. <>.

Grant, Kelli B. "For Best Baseball Deals, It Pays to Procrastinate." CNBC. CNBC, 06 Apr. 2015. Web. 04 Apr. 2017. <>.

Yanofsky, David. "Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Baseball Ticket Prices." Quartz. Quartz, 02 Apr. 2013. Web. 04 Apr. 2017. <>.

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