
Danielle Koepp
Mr. Reuter
Events such as Summerfest are what is keeping the Milwaukee area in a good economic state, with a gaining number of tourists, and an increasing income. Wisconsin holds the largest music festival, known as Summerfest. Summerfest consists of an eleven day long event that holds multiple concerts, and presents multiple restaurants and services throughout Wisconsin. The concerts are that of many genres from all around the United States. People from all around attend this event because of the large crowds, and famous music groups. In the past performers such as  Zac Brown Band, Lady Gaga, Aerosmith, Bruno Mars, and many others have attended. In 2017 there are scheduled performances from artists such as, Flume, Ziggy Marley, The Chainsmokers, Shinedown, Future, and many more. People are already saving up and planning on seeing these performers. These acts have put on amazing shows that have attracted people from all across the US, bringing in a massive revenue for the Milwaukee area. The Milwaukee World Festive states that, “Summerfest 2013 generated $187 million in positive economic impact for the City of Milwaukee; $226 million for the state of Wisconsin” (MWF). The profit that is made from the festival doesn’t only come from bought tickets, it comes from locally run beer tents, shops, food stands, and games. These places all gain recognition for the Milwaukee area. All of the restaurants and bars that are open to the Summerfest grounds, are in the Milwaukee area, and give people places to come to the next time they’re in Milwaukee.

With all of these different things offered a lot of tourists are attracted giving Milwaukee the chance to self promote the city.Summerfest 2016 had brought in, “a total of 804,116 people through the Henry Maier Festival Park gates. That number was a 4.1 percent increase over the 2015 attendance” (OnMilwaukee). As shown its popularity continues to increase, and the income from this festival will continue to strive. People will not think twice about the cost of tickets or food and drink, because they go for the overall experience, and with all that Summerfest provides it is well worth the consumer’s money. As the festival gains popularity the demand increases as well, resulting in bigger crowds, larger bands, and more restaurants. Clearly Summerfest is a positive externality for Milwaukee, and Wisconsin as a whole. It brings in tourists, creates jobs, and is a place for all ages to come in and enjoy music as well as summer life.

"Summerfest 2016 Attendance up from Last Year, plus Other Festival Figures." N.p., 14 July 2016. Web. 30 Apr. 2017.
Cary, Docter. "Summerfest Generated $187 Million in Positive Economic Impact." N.p., 05 Dec. 2013. Web. 30 Apr. 2017.

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