Allergies in Dogs
Humans and pets are predisposed to develop allergies when they have DNA that causes a genetic tendency to be allergic. This genetic tendency is called atopy. Several dog breeds are often atopic, especially breeds classified as retrievers or terriers. (Cats also have allergies, but which breeds have the greatest problem has not been clarified.)
Retrievers with Allergies
Golden Retrievers
Irish Setters
Terriers with Allergies
Boston Terriers
Cairn Terriers
Fox Terriers
Scottish Terriers
West Highland White Terriers
Wheaton Terriers
In addition, Bulldogs, Boxers, Cocker Spaniels, Collies, Dachshunds, Dalmatians, Lhasa Apso, Miniature Schnauzers, Pugs, and Shar Peis are frequently atopic and prone to allergies.
Allergies occur when the immune system overreacts to an antigen that is not truly harmful. The immune system can be encouraged to react in a more normal, healthy manner if pets are given Omega 3 fatty acids. Small amounts of Omega 3 fatty acids are found in many sources, but the two sources with the highest levels are wild caught, coldwater fish and flaxseeds. Fish oils are often better Omega 3 sources for pets that are very old, very young, or very sick.
Fish that are farm raised, such as “Atlantic salmon” are not a good source of Omega 3 fatty acids. In addition, farmed fish contain more heavy metal and pesticide contaminants than wild-caught fish. Of all the fish oils we have tested, Nordic Naturals has been the purest with significantly fewer contaminants than other oils. Nordic Naturals has the highest standards in the pet supplement industry and has been ranked Number One of the top 10 fish oils in Norway for concentration, freshness and purity. Norway has the highest standards in the world.
If your pet is allergic to fish and needs a different source of Omega 3, use supplements made with ground flax seed.
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