Awards for Pet Medications and Veterinary Drugs
New veterinary drugs for dogs and cats, horses, and livestock are developed every year. This year for the first time, international awards are being given to recognize the best of the new pharmaceuticals developed. There are 12 award categories:
- Best New Veterinary Product - Companion Animals
- Best New Veterinary Product - Livestock
- Best New Veterinary Product – Equine
- Best New Therapeutic Pet food or Livestock Feed Additive
- Best Drug Delivery Advance
- Corporate Social Responsibility (Including animal welfare)
- Best Manufacturing/Production Project, IT or Technical Innovation
- Licensing Deal of the Year sponsored by Wood McKenzie
- Outstanding Achievement by a Small-to-Medium-Sized Enterprise
- Best Supporting Role
- Animal Health Company of the Year
- Lifetime Achievement Award
If you consider medications your animals use, what would you nominate for the award? You might consider a heart medication or a new chemotherapy protocol—but don’t stop there. Consider laboratory tests that identify whether your pet has anemia, parasites, heartworm disease, distemper, parvo disease, or feline leukemia.
Whether any of the above is recognized by the international committee awarding prizes does not matter as much as that your pets benefit from these veterinary medical advances. So much is being done to promote your pet’s health and wellbeing. Enjoy and use all the best products. Realize that we in the US have the most innovative and useful pet medications on earth.
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