Male kitten?

I have a 6 yr old male cat and in a few yrs I wanted to get a male kitten I know I have to slowly introduce the two but will my older male cat be upset and start spraying everything to mark his terrority or will he be OK ? any Vets in here can help me out that would be Awesome
I am a vet tech and in my experience it depends upon you male cats personality. If he is of the more dominate persuasion, he will definitely start spraying. Cats spray to mark their territory and anywhere he smells the scent of the new kitten he will spray. Has your male cat been neutered? If so it may be a better choice to bring in a female kitten.
he might mark his turf, I would~meow
if your cat is fixed, you shouldn't have any problems with spraying,
only thing is that the older cat will show his dominance. by, giving the kitten nasty snarls or not letting him eat out of his bowl, or use his litter box. but with time they will get used to each other. Just make sure you provide an extra box for the kitten at that time.
I would definitely think about a female kitten instead. He may be so upset that he'll kill the kitten if it is another male. Sounds like he hasn't been neutered?
Why does it have to be a kitten? Very young mother cats are taken into shelters every year. Then they are passed over when people only want their darling offspring.
is your older cat neutered? if he is there is less of a chance of spraying
Hi, i had two male cats, both siblings i lost one (he was 5 1/2 years old) due to kidney failure. His brother was devastated, so after a while I decided to get him a kitten friend, the new kitten was 8 weeks old, it took him a while to get used to him, but he was pleased to have another companion. They are now best of friends.
It depends on your male's attitude. And it really depends on whether or not he's been neutered. Males that haven't been fixed tend to spray things to mark their territory. So.I'd suggest getting a female kitten.

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