male cat named princess..?

i've got a male cat, who is named princess, do you think that makes him confused on being a boy kitty? he's 23lbs (last time we checked) and SO cute. and hates our female cat. any suggestions?
As long as he answers to it, he is ok with it. I dont' think he cares what his name is as long as he has one. He must be really cute! I think maybe he doesn't like your other cat, because she is jealous of his name.
i thing ur cat is gay.
my dogs name is princess!
I have news for you. Your cat cannot understand English.
It has no concept of what homosexuality is either. It's a dumb beast.
well, did you name him that when you thought he was a girl? I did that. I had a cat that I thought was a girl and named it Nefertiti (after the Egyptian queen) but later found out it was a boy!! Cats really don't know if they have a boy's name or a girl's name anyway, so I hope you and princess are happy together.
thats a cute name for a kitty
i love it ..naw hes not confused as long as the fat lil butterball is ..just love it he hates the female cat ..sounds like you got a garfield on your hands.
Nah..I don't think he minds. As long as you give him all the love he needs he should be happy!
I would so name a cat pricess boy or girl! I say it dosen't matter I think all cats are cute so they deserve cute name trust me a boy cat named princess i COOL. Well gotta go.I love the name!
What is in a name? I have cat named Rover and a dog named Miss Kitty!
It's a great name. Sounds like a drag-queen cat, and most drag queens hate real females! Very appropriate. he is a gay, fat cat.. that's funny.
Maybe your female cat knows more about princess than you do. She probably won't put up with his powder-puff ways. Take him to the vet, they will put him on a diet.
And start calling him Prince!
dude i would so name a guy cat princes d probily call him um.,, oreincess foo foo or somthing thats poimp but not likeing girl cats whos caress lol its just a freaking cat just love it
Why have called you Tom cat Princess? He properly not sure if he is male or female. I had a female cat called Lucy and a male cat called Tigger and they often used to fight all we could was to keep apart.

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