Male or Female Companion for my cat?

I'm looking to bring another kitty in the family so my current kitty is not so lonely. Should I adopt a female or a kitty now is a male and neutered.
Thanks for the opinion! It would be good to adopt a cat his same age right? he's 1year.
I'd go with a female about the same age and size. Have her spayed to. In my experiece to females live very well together, but 2 males do not.
You are doing right by getting your current kitty a companion. Cats do get lonely.
I would say get a girl. If their is aother boy they might fight and fighting is not good. So my advice is get a girl. Say hi to your kitty for me!!
I would recommend a female. Most male cats are tolerant of other cats entering the household. It's the female cats that have an issue. We know a lady who has 20 cats. The males are the sweetest but the females are very picky.
It really doesnt matter. What it comes down to is if the new cat is sociable or not. So long as it is neutered.
At the shelter we have had grumpy males and females, cats and kittens. Some hate to have brothers and sisters and others love it, and others couldnt care less so long as they are fed (LOL) and have their own place.
There will more than likely hissing/growling/spitting. But so long as there is no fur flying or blood drawn all will work out. Just dont interfere unless there is blood being drawn.
Good luck with it all.
either a spayed female kitten or neuterd male. both would work well together. any age is fyn. cats are soo cute wen they play together. so if u want a lot of playin and cat wrestlin get another male. hope it helped.
Get a girl and call her Bernard!
I would rescue a spayed/neutered cat that is just a little younger than your present cat . so he can remain the ALPHA in the house. You will reduce your chances of having the new cat "mark" territory if you select a female one.

If you want another male, you can go with either a kitten or an adult. If you want a female cat, get a small kitten. Older females, even spayed, can be very testy. All my adult females are weird about new adults I bring into the home and a couple are even weird about the kittens, male or female. But my male cats are like, "Enh, whatever." with whatever I bring home. And I do know cats, I have 8.
If both cats will ultimately be neutered/spayed, it really doesn't matter. I've had two males at one time, two females, and one of each, and they all got along nicely, especially after they were "fixed." So - go with your own preference - chances are good that your cats will be content no matter what.
Once their both neutered he should be with either sex, bring him down to local sanctuary and ask can he have trial time with some cats the have in care to see how he gets on. It all depends on their personality and as you know cats have big personalities. Choose something that is quiet if yours is boisterous already or visa versa.

Goodluck with the new addition
It's nice to hear that you are adopting older cats, so many are left abandoned, and everyone seems to want the cute kitten.
I have four kids, and three of them are male and then we have the Queen bee..I don't think it matters, as long as you introduce them slowly, don't over react when they hiss and snarl, that is normal, make sure that the new adoptee has been neutered or spayed, this could cause an issue, and remember that one of them will want to be the dominant, whether male or female.
Congrats on your growing family.
i dont think it matters. i had a female 7 yrs old and got a male kitten. no she didnt like it at frist but she soon got used to him.
good luck

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